WordPress SEO 10: Domain & permalinks are top criteria for Search engine optimization (SEO). The importance of the domain name is undisputed. Permalinks are the next most important step after subdomains, which is also optimally linked to the further structure of a WordPress site. So this is one of the top 10 SEO criteria. Why this is so and how this is optimally set up on a WordPress website is described below.
WordPress SEO: The importance of the domain
A domain may consist of Subdomaindomain and top-level domain (TLD). For wolf-of-seo.de, wolf-of-seo would be the domain and "de" would be the top-level domain Germany. One Subdomain is created when a sub-domain (Subdomain) under the domain. This is simply written in front of it and separated by a dot. It then looks like this:
subdomain.wolf-of-seo.de. If you then write the https:// in front of it, you can also use the Subdomain call.
Of great importance in search engine optimization is the Domain. Are in the domain the most important topic specific keywords you have an immense advantage over the competition. Then comes the Subdomainwhich, however, can mean a completely new installation. For example, on a Subdomain just like running your own WordPress installation on a domain. You would therefore be running two different blogs or websites.
Of course, the Domain name choice other possibilities than a Keyword-name. So you can also use a proper name (e.g. jonasschmidt.de or an artificial name e.g. Xing.com). All these choices have advantages and disadvantages from a marketing point of view.
WordPress SEO: The importance of permalinks
Now if you do not have the search engine advantages of a Keyword-domain name, you still have the option of working with permalinks, as search engines look at the permalink after the domain in order to recognize the topics and structures of the website. Permalinks are link names that appear after the top-level domain. They are, so to speak, permanent links for accessing a specific page. These can consist of columns of numbers or words.
When you search engine friendly you assign names here that contain important keywords for the website. WordPress can be set so that the headings of articles and pages are converted directly into permalinks. This is done under Settings/Permalinks/Possible settings. Make the following setting there and save it:
Domain & Permalinks
After that, the links are displayed, for example, like this: https://wolf-of-seo.de/wordpress-seo-10-domain-permalinks.
WordPress therefore takes the title of the article and appends it to the domain and top-level domain. The keywords of such a domain have a higher priority with search engines than e.g. https://wolf-of-seo.de/öasldkjfskjdföasdjf9393939. This seems logical to everyone. Nevertheless, there are still websites that do not follow this simple but successful rule.
With the permalinks, you can now work through all the important keywords by writing corresponding articles and thus give the search engines what they like so much: domains and permalinks.