Dofollow link

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What is a Dofollow Link

A Dofollow link is a link that passes on SEO linkjuice, which helps to Ranking of the website associated with the corresponding link. This means that the website will then be ranked higher in the search engine ranking results (SERPS) appears.

To understand why this type of link works, we need to examine how Google and other search engines work. If your website has a backlink (Hyperlink) gets linking to your site, they get an SEO boost. Therefore, the more small SEO boosts you get for your website, the better the long-term Ranking of your website.

The reason why you get an SEO boost is because Google takes note of a page, the number of inbound links and the type of websites they come from. If Google sees a lot of genuine links to a particular page, then it classifies your website as a great page that gets a lot of referrals and will therefore give the Ranking of this website rank higher. Overall, therefore, dofollow links help a website to be indexed more effectively, to crawl and to rank.

Do Follow links are links that allow search engines to crawl the linked page and add its Ranking to influence. No follow links, on the other hand, are links that tell search engines not to crawl the linked page, or to give its Ranking should influence. As a rule, No Follow links are used when the linker does not want his own website to be influenced by the Ranking profits from the linked page or if he doubts the authenticity or credibility of the linked page.

It is important to note that No Follow links do not have a negative impact on the Ranking of a linked page. They are simply ignored when it comes to the Ranking of a page to be calculated. However, they can still be useful, as they can Traffic from the linking page to the linked page and thus can increase the visibility of the linked page. Some experts also argue that no follow links are an indication that a page is authentic and trustworthy, as it does not try to sell its Ranking through unethical methods such as link spamming.

There are several ways to check if a link is marked as "dofollow" or "nofollow":

  1. Manual detection of do-follow and no-follow links:
    1. Open the web page with the link you want to check in your web browser.
    2. Right-click on the link and select "Examine item" or "Examine" (depending on your Browser).
    3. The HTML code for the link appears in your browser's developer tools. The link is called an "a" (anchor) tag.

    Now you need to examine the code to determine if it is a Do-Follow or No-Follow link:

    • Do-Follow Link: No "rel" attribute or nofollow in the "rel" attribute: <a href="">Example link</a>.
    • No-Follow Link: A "rel" attribute with the value "nofollow": <a href="" rel="nofollow">Example link</a>.
  2. Use of a Browser-Plug-ins: There are many free Browser-plug-ins that automatically highlight the "nofollow" links. One example is the "NoDoFollow" plug-in for Firefox and Chrome. After installing the plug-in, all the "nofollow" links in the web page will be highlighted in red.
  3. Use of an online tool:
    NoFollow Simple (Chrome and Firefox): This Browser-Add-on highlights no-follow links on web pages by drawing a dashed frame around them. It also displays the "rel" attribute in the tooltip when you hover over the link.
    SEOquake (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari): SEOquake is a comprehensive SEO extension that displays a variety of information about web pages, including the display of do-follow and no-follow links. You can have the links color-coded directly on the web page to make them easier to identify.
    MozBar (Chrome and Firefox): MozBar is another SEO tool that highlights Do-Follow and No-Follow links on web pages, among other things. You can set the links to have different colors depending on whether they are Do-Follow or No-Follow.

Den Dofollow Backlinks has been given some leeway with Google's guidelines, but even though Google imposes strong restrictions when it comes to dofollow links, they still offer some great link building benefits. Here are some of those benefits below:

  • SEO Boost: Great content, along with a dofollow link, on a high quality website can really help you improve your website'sRanking and improve your SEO performance. The more dofollow Backlinks you create in a healthy way, the more Traffic it brings to your website and the more you will outperform your competition.
  • Indexing is faster: Dofollow links can be crawled by Google faster and indexed which allows your website or content to be indexed faster. For this reason, it is ideal to try to create dofollow links using white hat link building methods.
  • More Traffic: Dofollow links have the ability to bring more visitors to your website or blog, as readerships from other websites and blogs will connect directly to you. With a dofollow link, you have more opportunities to let new visitors discover your content and websites.


Some of the disadvantages of Do Follow links are that they are hard to get and they can be easily abused. Some website owners will try to give unwanted links to other websites in order to improve their own rankings. This can lead to a bad reputation for the site in question.

Use cases:

Do Follow links can be useful in many situations. They are most commonly found in blogs, forums, comments, and social networks. Do Follow links can also be used to help a page rank better with search engines.

  1. Writing guest posts: Write guest posts for other websites and get a backlink for it.
  2. Giving interviews: Offer interviews for other websites or podcasts and get a backlink to your website.
  3. Sponsors: Become a sponsor of an event or project and get a backlink on your sponsor page.
  4. Partnerships: Seek partnerships with other companies or organizations and arrange for Backlinks as part of the agreement.
  5. Testimonials: Leave testimonials on other websites and get a backlink on your "About Us" page or LinkedIn profile.
  6. Events: Mention your website in connection with events you attend or organize and get a backlink from the event website.
  7. Networking Groups: Join networking groups and link to your website in your profile or in posts you make.
  8. Infographics: Create and share infographics online and get a backlink from the website where they are shared.
  9. Online presence: Use social media and other online platforms to promote your website and Backlinks from there.
  10. Free tools or resources: Create free tools or resources and get Backlinks from the websites they use.

Nofollow links are important for a natural backlink profile because they help prevent a website from being penalized unnecessarily by search engine algorithms. Search engines like Google use Backlinks, in order to Relevance and authority of a website. However, if a website has too many Backlinks has from questionable or unnatural sources, this can be seen as an attempt to manipulate their search engine rating.

By using nofollow links, you signal to search engines that you have deliberately placed a link, but that you are not recommending the landing page. This can help ensure that your site is not considered part of a link network and thus not penalized.

It is also important that a website has a balanced mix of follow and nofollow links, as this provides a natural backlink profile. A website that has only follow links may appear unnatural and be penalized by search engines, while a website that has only nofollow links may have difficulty improving its search engine ranking.

In summary, nofollow links help maintain a natural backlink profile and thereby reduce the risk of being penalized by search engines.

What makes a natural link relationship?

  1. Natural ratioFirst of all, you need to know that a "natural" link profile does not have a fixed dofollow to nofollow ratio. It really depends on your industry, your target audience and the content. But as a rough guide, a mix of about 70% dofollow to 30% nofollow links is often considered "natural".
  2. Why not ignore Nofollow?: You might be wondering why you should have nofollow links at all if they don't provide direct SEO juice. Well, they can still Traffic and Google also recognizes a natural link profile better if nofollow links are also included.
  3. Think of it like a dietIf you eat only junk food (poor quality dofollow links), your health (SEO) will suffer. A little bit of vegetables (nofollow links) won't hurt, even if it's not your favorite food.
  4. Be flexibleSometimes it doesn't work out to achieve the ideal ratio, and that's okay. The most important thing is that you have a diverse link profile. If you find that you have too many dofollow links, try to get some quality nofollow links to restore the balance.
  5. Observe and adaptA relationship that works today may not be ideal six months from now. So stay on the ball and adjust your strategy if necessary.
  6. Don't believe in the "one size fits all" approach.Myth: Different websites, industries, and niches can have completely different "healthy" dofollow to nofollow ratios. Look at the competition to get a better idea of what is normal in your field.

Think of it like a cocktail. Too much of one ingredient and the taste suffers. A balanced ratio is the goal, but the "right" mix can vary from bar to bar (or in our case, website to website).


Do follow links can be an effective way to Traffic, authority and Range for a website to increase. When used correctly, do follow links can help increase a website's visibility in search engines and improve rankings. However, they can also be abused, which can lead to a bad reputation for the site in question.

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What are "do follow links"? arrow icon in accordion
A do follow link is a link that is used to connect to another website. This link confirms to search engines that the website it links to is relevant and valuable. Do follow links are also called "backlinks".
What does "no follow" mean? arrow icon in accordion
"No follow" is an HTML attribute that is used to tell search engines not to follow a particular link. This means that search engines will not consider the link as a "backlink", so this link will not bring any SEO benefit.
Why are do follow links important? arrow icon in accordion
Do follow links are important because they help search engines determine which websites are relevant and high quality. This means that websites with more backlinks appear higher in search results.
How can I get "do follow links"? arrow icon in accordion
There are many different ways to get "do follow links". These include writing guest posts, creating quality content, posting on social media platforms, and creating partnerships with other websites.
How do search engines evaluate "do follow links"? arrow icon in accordion
Search engines evaluate "do follow links" based on several factors, including the quality of the website being linked to and the relevance of the link to the content of the page.
Can I create "do follow links" myself? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, you can. To create a do follow link, you must use an HTML attribute marked as "no follow". Using this attribute will prohibit the search engine from following the link.
Can "do follow links" negatively affect my SEO? arrow icon in accordion
No, do follow links can't negatively affect your SEO as long as they come from quality websites. However, it is important to make sure that the links are relevant, as this can help improve your ranking in search results.
What kind of links should I avoid? arrow icon in accordion
You should avoid links from bad websites, as they not only do not bring any SEO benefits, but can also worsen your ranking in search results. You should also avoid links that are present in spam websites or websites with bad reputation.
How long does it take for "do follow links" to work? arrow icon in accordion
It depends on the type of link and the quality of the website that is linked to. However, as a rule, it may take a few weeks or months before the effect of do follow links becomes visible.
What is the likelihood that search engines will recognize "do follow links"? arrow icon in accordion
The probability that search engines recognize "do follow links" is very high. Most search engines use modern algorithms that are capable of recognizing and evaluating links. However, it is important that all links are relevant and of high quality to achieve the desired effect.

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