What are backlinks and how do they work?
The SEO industry is changing at an extreme pace, every year marketers evolve their strategies and shift their focus. Backlinks however, remain as critical to a strategy as they were when they were first created. Currently Backlinks a very common phase in the world of SEO, and if you are in the industry, you know that Backlinks are crucial for the performance of a website.
What are backlinks?
Backlinks take place via the Internet when a website mentions another website and links to it. Also referred to as "inbound links", these are Backlinks establish their connection via external websites. These links from external domains point to pages on your own domain. Whenever Backlinks occur, it's like a vote for a website. The more votes you get from the authoritative websites, the more positive effect it has on the Ranking and the search visibility of a website.
Why are backlinks important?
Links are important to both search engines and end users. It helps search engines determine how authoritative and relevant your website is to the topic for which you are a Ranking want to get. Furthermore are Backlinks zu Ihrer Website ein Signal an Suchmaschinen, dass andere externe Websites Ihre Inhalte unterstützen. Wenn viele Websites auf Ihre Webseite verweisen, interpretieren Suchmaschinen das als „Empfehlungen“ und sehen es daher auch so, dass Sie ein höheres Ranking on a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) are worth. For many years the number of Backlinks an indicator of the popularity of a page. But today, algorithms like the Google Penguin update have been developed to better rank for links. Now pages are ranked higher based on the quality of links they receive from external sites and less based on quantity.
But Backlinks are also important for the end consumer. An example of this is when an end consumer reads a page about "how childcare spending is pushing women out of the workforce". If they scroll down, they may see another link to a study about "how the rise in childcare costs over the last 25 years has impacted women's employment". In this case, a backlink provides connection points for information a searcher might be interested in. This external link creates a better user experience as it transfers the user directly to additional desirable information when needed.
Why are backlinks important for SEO?
Backlinks are an important part of the SEO strategy. They help to improve the Ranking of a website in search engines and increase visibility in search queries. They are a great way to drive more traffic to your website and expand your audience. It's worth taking the time to search for high quality Backlinks to look for, so that you achieve good results in the long term.
How can I recognize a good backlink?
A good backlink comes from a trusted and relevant website. For example, if you have a page that writes about dog food, then it would be good if a link came from a reputable dog site.
Another indication of a good backlink is when it has a natural and relevant Anchor text has. That means the text the link points to should make sense and of course be related to the content. For example, if you have an article about dog food, it would be natural if the Anchor text "learn more about dog food".
Also make sure that the link comes from a site that has a good Ranking in search engines and has much Traffic hat. Eine Möglichkeit das zu überprüfen ist, das Tool „ahrefs" or "Majestic".
How does link building work?
Now that you know that Backlinks are important, how do you acquire links to your website? Link building is still crucial to the success of any SEO campaign when it comes to the organic Ranking goes. Backlinks are much different today than when they were built 7-8 years ago. Simply thousands of Backlinks or only having links from one website will not have a significant impact on your rankings. Meanwhile, the Link building to one of the most complex tasks of SEO.
There are also many ways to manage and understand your backlink profile. Majestic, Ahrefs, Buzzstream and Moz offer tools to help you manage and optimize your link profile.
Obtaining unique and authoritative link profiles is crucial for higher Ranking in the SERPs and improving your SEO. In addition, Google's algorithm for evaluating links has evolved in recent years, creating a more sophisticated process to primarily rank high-quality Backlinks VALUE. External links are still important and not obsolete, so work on strategies to get valuable links to increase your Ranking Improve positions.
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