KWFinder test report: What is the keyword tool good for?

Any Content strategy in the SEO area is based on Keyword-research tools. Long gone are the days when you could publish everything that was on your mind on your blog and get top traffic rankings for it.

clicks and Earning money on the net, is simply not that simple anymore.

The rules of the game have changed and it has become more difficult. In an environment of constant change in the online sector, many tools have offered "the ultimate solution".

"Buy my product"

"Use my tool"

"Check out my software"

I'm sure we've all heard that many times before.

But in a world with too many competitors there are actually some toolsthat stand out from the crowd. I have found some of the best options over the years, Keyword-research. But now we're going to take a closer look at one of the newest (and, I can confirm, one of the best) products on the market.

KWFinder test - Is this keyword tool worthwhile?

Tip: If you want to get the most out of this review, why not join in? You can do this by KWFinder free of charge. Sign up for a spin and see what you think.

The KWFinder helps you, Long Tail Keywords to be found, SERPs and effectively combat your competitors' rankings. It offers a lot of power for the low price and is a good choice for any niche. Click here to try KWfinder for free.


  1. It is easy to use.
  2. You can Long Tail Keywords find all kinds.
  3. Enables you to analyze SERPs
  4. Helps you Backlinks of your competition.
  5. First class customer service
  6. Pay less than for others SEO Tools and get more functions.


  1. Not a good choice for large teams or large Agencyen.
  2. The daily limits may be too low for excessive use.

I hope this summary is not enough for you, because there is much more to see.

That's not enough for you?

Excellent! Now it's time for us to get down to the interesting details!

If you go to the KWFinder page, you may notice that it looks a little different than others Keyword-research tools. It looks cleanly designed.

Yes, the tool simply looks great. Period.

Let's now take a look under the hood.

The KWFinder had a pretty current update. In the past you could Tool only for Locate from Keywords use it. Now you can use it to Find keywords of your competitors. This is very useful if you want to know what your competitors are ranking for. Once you know this, you can optimize your articles to better assess your keywords.

This allows you to expand your own thematic authority and niche dominance.

Let's first take a look at the Keyword-Tool:

The Keyword-KWFinder's keyword research tool can be used for various purposes. You can find ideas for keywords, find long-tail keywords or filter out certain fringe topics that your target group is searching for.

The results are also pleasing to the eye, take a look. Because if you have a Keyword in KWFinder, you will see the following:

KWFinder Keyword Research

To be honest, it looks much better than others Keyword-Research Tools (in my opinion).

It decomposes the data into easily digestible information, that you can capture at a glance. The keywords are colored in Difficulty levels subdivided. In addition, you even get a small SERP-Overview, detailed Traffic-Sample for the last few years and some other useful features. However, we will take a closer look at these in a minute.

To give you a comparison with other Keyword-tools, here is how SEMRush looks:

And even the mighty ahrefs:


The KWFinder not only looks good, it also features many intuitive controls.

Suppose you are looking for Keyword-proposals. You just don't know where to start and what to look for next.

This is not a problem.

Enter Keyword a and KWFinder gives you up to 700 Keyword-Suggestions that are loosely related to your startup.Keyword stand. In the free Trial version but first you seeonly 25 suggestionsdon't let the limit put you off. The paid versions offer you a much wider range.

When I "Instagram", the tool recommended things like "Instagram Followers get", "German Instagram Followers buy", "Create Instagram account" and "Instagram subscribers get".

Each of them can be used to create a potential blog post.

Kwfinder Autocomplete Keywords

Look at all those long-tail keywords!

But there are some results that I can't use. Let's say I want to write posts about how to get more Followers gets on Instagram. I'm not interested in the keywords "buy" and "bot", although this too Keyword could be interesting for contributions.

But let's play out this scenario.

With KWFinder we can filter out anything unwanted.

Filter options: Quality instead of quantity

Kwfinder filter options

I have the keywords filtered and to make sure that all my results Long-tail keywords I have also added this filter. This filter ensures that all my results are at least 3 words have

This step is not necessary, but it can help to filter out some of the larger, and harder to conquer, keywords from the outset.

Once my filters are set, I have 22 long tail keywords found. Not all of them are helpful. I still have something like "instagram follower app android". Nobody needs it. But some others are worth their weight in gold.

Examples are "Instagram Followers Show", "Upload Instagram pictures" and "Instagram App PC".


Thus KWFinder can be used to Content Hubs, Long Tail Keywords and much more to find.

Now you have some Topics and you have some Long Tails for the start. Now you should look for some useful info articles that your audience wants.

These types of articles help build links and build your brand. They can also be used to build some internal Link-Juice to your most important subpages. This can help you to move even stronger keywords up the rankings.

First we come to your starterKeyword back: Instagram.

Instead of "Related keywords" or "Autocomplete", click on "Questions".

KWFinder Questions Questions

You may notice that some of the keywords here do not have a Difficulty ratings have next to them. But even that is done quickly. You can click on the small Click the search icon to the right of the results to open the SERP to update and to obtain a level of difficulty.

KWFinder Questions SERP Lookup

KWFinder limits how many times you can do this update per day, unlike Ahrefs per month. The limits are high and you never have to "SERP-lookups" for results that you don't want. But more on this later. We will discuss the limits at the end of the article in the final evaluation.

There are some gems here in the form of informative keywords. "How many protein bars per day" is a good one. "How many protein shakes are too many" is another good option.

If you have to ask how many is too many, you're probably already at your limit.

You can open the tab "Questions" also use to find more long-tail keywords with a monetary intent. So you can use this tool to get some ideas, find long-tail keywords and give you plenty of ammunition for monetizing and informative posts.

Now let's take a look at how you can steal your competitor's keywords and become the winner in the niche.

To get an overview of what your competitors in the Ranking you should switch from "Search for Keyword "to" Search for domain" above the search bar.

KWFinder Domain Research

Find a competitor of yours, enter the domain and voilà.

Keywords everywhere. Let's take a look at the online marketing and SEO OG Neil Patel. For this, we will use the German version of his website

KWFinder neilpatel Keywords

I have the Root domain for the German keywords entered by and there are a lot of elements that we see now. The KWFinder gives you the opportunity, Keywordsgives you Competitor sites and then shows you for which keywords the page is ranked.

No wonder he was chosen for"Neil Patel" is number one, huh?

It results in a long list of keywords. However, there are just a few things I would like to highlight.

First, with KWFinder you can Switch between organic and paid keywords. In this example, Neil Patel does not have any paid keywords because it is a blog. Nevertheless, this view is helpful when it comes to businesses or E-commerce pages is concerned.

Secondly, KWFinder shows you the position in which the page ranks on Google.

KWFinder neilpatel positions

View live keyword rankings of your competitors? No problem.

This Position function is helpful. When you click on the results you want, KWFinder displays the SERP on the right.

Once you have found out what your competitor is ranking at the top for, you can even see how many incoming links each result in this SERP receives. That, as well as the Domain authority, will give you a rough estimate, how difficult the Keyword to conquer will. You can estimate how much domain authority and/or Backlinks you need to survive the competition.

And if you have a interesting Keyword once you've found it, put it back into KWFinder, look at the related keywords and put in an interesting Keyword once again the "Autocomplete" one.

Oh! Seems like there are some search queries about Google Keyword Planner, let's have a look.

Look at all the long tail keywords...

....and we can easily repeat this for the other "Keywordplanner" and "Keywordtool" keywords.

I'm sure you'll find something there.

"Have you had a look yourself in the meantime? What about your own topic?"

These are the types of search results that big sites like don't usually aim for. They know that under the keyword "Instagram images" and "Instagram-Followers" can rank. Why then an article about individual longtail keywordswrite? The Traffic is too low for a big player.

So who can target these types of keywords and rank for them quickly?


This is an excellent way to find long-tail keywords. Find out what your competitors are ranking high for, grab a "big" Keyword and switch the Autocomplete one. You will more than enough ideas find a Traffic-strong and profitable contribution from it.

Another option is to search for specific URLs using the Search "By domain". Let's go back to our Neil Patel and one of his most successful posts, namely the post about gaining followers on Instagram.


I have the times the best performing Article picked out. Now you can see that most of the keywords by which the article is ordered, "Short Tail Keywords" are. These keywords have a high Traffic and a high competition. It is not always advisable to target these keywords, but they do have their uses.

You probably won't (or couldn't yet) rank for these terms. However, these secondary keywords can help search engines understand what your article is about.

KWFinder is very helpful to both Main Keywords, as well as secondary keywords to find. The more Long Tails you have, the easier you get more and more Traffic.

What good is a fantastic, well-designed, user-friendly app if the darn thing doesn't bring the right results? What if it doesn't reflect the actual search queries?

Google Keyword Planner Alternative: Is KWFinder any good?

Accuracy is more important than ever, as Google Keyword Planner pretty useless has become. In the good old days of the "Wild West", in which you could still Content could fire around and climb rankings just like that, it was easier. There you could use the Keyword Planner basic Keyword-research and just get started and just get started.

Google has now launched the "Traffic" in the Keyword Planner was turned into an almost completely useless "estimate" and the search terms were bundled together.

Google Keywordplanner

You can't find long tail keywords with it anymore and you can't know how much Traffic they get.The competition metric is not helpful because it is intended for people who buy advertising space on Google.

Let's take a close look at KWFinder now.

The accuracy of keyword data in KWFinder

KWFinder pulls its data directly from Google.

And these are the same data that is also used in the Keyword Planner flow in. The difference is, however, that they are not summarized in monthly search estimates or superordinate categories. KIn short, this information is actually useful.

"But wait! The Google Keyword Planner shows higher Traffic-estimates than KWFinder."

Yes, he does. Good attention.

In recent updates, Google has moved more and more in the direction of the primary provision of the Keyword Planners for their advertising clients moves. This means that they often Combine keywords into one big "overarching theme".

For example, Google under "Instagram Followers buy" the Search volume to "German Instagram Followers buy", "Active Instagram Followers buy" and "buy Instagram subscribers".

This results in figures that are technically true, but too inflated for our use. Finally, KWFinder has precise Keyword-Data.

Keyword difficulty: Is it reliable?

So that brings us back to KWFinder and how accurate it is. Different tools all use different metrics just to give you an illustration of the difficulty of a keyword. Here are a few Keyword Difficulty Values that differ from common Keyword-Tools must be specified.

Here is an example from KWFin the difficulty level:

Keyword difficulty

The Ahrefs Difficulty level as a comparison:

Ahrefs Keyword Difficulty

You don't have to be a mathematician to see that there is some difference between some of the tools. Where do these differences in numbers come from?

In short, it depends on how the key figures are calculated.

KWFinder has proven to be quite accurate for me. I like this Keyword difficultys degree more than that of Ahrefs or SEMRush.

The ahrefs Difficulty Score depends only on the Backlinks and I think that can lead to incorrect calculation for some keywords. As more and more authoritative sites appear in the SERPs, there are obviously more factors at play than just the inbound links.

I may be wrong, but I don't like making everything dependent on just one factor.In the difficulty assessment of nothing but the Backlinks seems wrong to me.

KWFinder relies on several sources to determine the keyword difficulty values.

KWFinder takes a look at the Dominant authority, the Page authority, a few Moz-Metrics and Backlinks of the page. They throw all these metrics into the mix, compare and give you the corresponding Keyword-difficulty level based on this.

But here's the thing.

There are over 200 Ranking-Factors, that Google uses to determine who is at the top of the Search results stands. Keyword-Research Algorithms cannot evaluate all of them so wellas your brain can.

So don't place too much emphasis on the incompletely calculated difficulty levels of the keywords.

I personally consider the Domain ratings for websites in the SERPs and the Number of incoming links to every website ...

For my long-tail keywords, I want to see at least 2 sites under 30 DR, but under 20 is better.

But with all the numbers back-and-forth, please keep in mind that they are only orientations. With an excellent post, a good selection of keywords, some time and if necessary some Backlinksyou can get a lot out of it in the long run.

Use the Keyword-The difficulty values of each tool are only ever used as a rough metric. All in all, I would always rely most on KWFinder. That's why you're really well advised to use this tool when weighing up your options.

SERP analyses

One of KWFinder's strengths is that it can be used as a All-in-one tool works. You can find keywords, decide which ones you want to target, and then get a rough estimate of how much work is needed to land on page one. You can find detailed metrics on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) of the KWFinder tool.

SERPChecker Mangools

Click on the icon and you will be taken to a detailed SERP-Analysis.

This is basically a more detailed version of the SERP-Preview when using the Keyword-research tools. The most useful feature here is that you can click on the 3 dots next to the difficulty level of the keyword, Analyze links or get a detailed analysis of the website.

These are helpful features if you Backlinks replicate from your competitors whose See top content or want to get a better feel for the authority of their website.

KWFinder is already doing a hell of a lot right. As a rule, it is difficult enough to compete with the competition and the costs and time for the Content and/or Backlinks to spend. KWFind is a good all-round tool for this. Although it is clearly designed for keyword analysis, you don't need any other tools to create safe and reliable content strategies.

Let's take a look at some of these benefits:

You can easily find long tail keywords

Discovering long-tail keywords is really easy with KWFinder. You can use the function "Related keywords"to give you ideas for Start keywords and to get through the "Autocomplete" numerous Keyword-ideas find

If you want more Keyword ammunition for your contribution, enter the Short Tail Keywords simply also still in the the field "Questions" one.

The "Questions" function is also helpful if you are trying to informative topics to find. This helps you to create content that is as complete and holistic as possible.

Quality at the touch of a button thanks to very practical filters

That's one thing I love about KWFinder. The Filter options are intuitive and easy to use.

It looks visually appealing and allows you to tell KWFinder what kind of keywords you are looking for. Maybe you want to find long tails or specific words from your Keyword filter out?

With a few clicks, you can do that with KWFinder and find only keywords you need.

LinkMiner - Superior backlink search with the competition

With the LinkMiner you fund the EXACT Backlinks of your competition on the left side and at the same time a preview of the website (to recognize the exact link type or to assess the page) on the right side.

Mangools Link Miner

This view for a backlink analysis tool is GENIUS. Very useful and very interesting!

Disadvantages of KWFinder

The tool really has a lot to offer, but there are some things that could use improvement.

The daily limits can get on your nerves

This won't be a problem for many users, but if you're part of a large agency or have a whole bunch of websites, you may end up wanting higher limits.

This also applies to the free version (but.... we can't say that it doesn't make sense to limit free users).But come on, 5 searches a day in the free trial? That put me in a bit of a bad mood.

With the cheapest package, you can perform 100 keyword searches every 24 hours. This should be enough for self-employed people, entrepreneurs and small agencies. However, you may find it limiting if you have several websites or an agency.

Limited keyword results

There is another lower limit that I would like to mention here. If you have a Keyword KWFinder will give you a limited number of results for each Keyword.

KWFinder Keyword Plan Comparison

From left to right, this is your cheapest to most expensive plan.

200 keywords? 700 keywords?

These are keyword sets that are shown to us. For comparison: Here is what ahrefs spits out for the keyword "protein powder":

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer Comparison

So KWFinder loses a few points when it comes to how many keywords it can output.

However, the functional difference between 700 related keywords and several thousand is small for anyone who does not produce content in large quantities.

Seriously, unless your site is already in the four-figure range for pages and posts, you're not going to get much benefit from an extra 10,000 suggested keywords.

So the absolute limit for KWFinder is low, but the feature limit is fine. You won't notice much difference unless you're putting out huge amounts of content.

KWFinder has a free trial and then offers 3 different pricing packages. The parent company of KWFinder is called Mangools, so the prices are listed as Mangools Basic, Premium and Agency.

Mangools KWFinder Cost

Mangools "Basic" plan

29.90 $ per monthif you pay on an annual basis. $49 per month if you pay monthly. (One thing we rarely see, REAL discounts in annual payment).

This plan includes 100 Keyword-Searches per 24 hours and you get up to 200 Keyword-suggestions per search. You can get 25 keywords from competitors per 24 hours, 100 SERPs, 20 websites and 2000 Backlinks View. Your limits will be every 24 hours so this is a good choice for individuals or operators of fewer projects.

Mangools "Premium" plan

39.90 $ per month, if you pay on an annual basis. $69 per month if paid monthly.

This plan includes 500 Keyword-Search per 24 hours and you get up to 700 Keyword-Suggestions per search. You can choose a unlimited number of competitor keywords, 500 SERPs, 70 pages and 7000 Backlinks View. Your limits will be all 24 hours reset.

This plan also allows you to save up to 3 simultaneous applications to use. This is a good choice for you if you do freelance work or have collaborators working with you or your Keyword-carry out research.

Mangool's "agency" plan

79.90 $ per monthif you pay on an annual basis. $129 per month if you pay monthly.

This plan includes 1200 Keyword-Searches per 24 hours and you get up to 700 Keyword-Suggestions per search. You can choose a unlimited number of competitor keywords, 1200 SERPs, 150 pages and 12.000 Backlinks View. Your limits will be reset every 24 hours.

This plan allows you to do the same, up to 5 simultaneous registrations to use. It's a good choice for you if you need a lot of research done on a regular basis, or if you have multiple people working within one account.It all depends on what goal you are pursuing.....

Bloggers and online marketers

KWFinder is a good choice for beginners because it is so many functions combined in one package. You can use your Keyword-Research carry out, Analyze SERPs, your Consider competitors and Backlinks find 

It is helpful that this service is a All-in-One Service is. You don't have to look elsewhere to see what your competitors are ranking for or to see relevant SEO data.

The low limits don't affect beginners or people with small websites, as you don't use the tool often. All in all, KWFinder is ideal for this audience.

Companies that produce content

Note: Almost every company should.

KWFinder can also be a great tool if you have an existing business. As long as you're not churning out hundreds of posts a month in your niche, you shouldn't have a problem with the limits.

KWFinder's higher-level plans have enough volume for even the busiest marketers. These plans have high limits for keywords, SERPs, site lookups and backlink searches that are topped up daily. I cannot emphasize enough how beautiful it is, work with daily update volumes. Some other tools give you a monthly workload that you can blow in a few hours.

The daily update is nice and makes KWFinder a good companion for marketers, bloggers or business owners.

(Online) marketing agencies

I use the word "marketing agencies" in such a general way for a reason. Because KWFinder and the Mangools Suite work well for all agencies. Whether you're in the content niche, SEO niche, Linkbuilding-niche, or whatever.

KWFinder helps you find long-tail keywords, analyze SERPs and helps you compete against your competition. It offers a lot of power for the low price. That's why it's a great choice for niche site owners, marketers, content-focused businesses and even agencies.

Thank you for reading our KWFinder review! I hope it was helpful for you. If so, please let me know in the comments. If not, what else did you need to know?

So in conclusion:

KWFinder is ideal for anyone who is not a link building monster or a content production machine.

It can bring you more than enough keywords, help you play smarter than your competitors and develop you into a seriously high-profile authority in your niche.

Some people may wonder if they can afford a Keyword-research tool.

And I wonder if you can afford not to use one.

Sure, it might annoy you - but the right tool will help you turn your digital soapbox into your dream car, work more efficiently and ultimately achieve better results with less work. In the end, it's really about how much time you can save. Trying out KWfinder costs you nothing, but saves you a lot of time.

So let's go! What are you waiting for?


What is KWFinder? arrow icon in accordion
KWFinder is an SEO tool that allows you to find the best keywords for a website or blog. It helps users find the right keywords that are relevant to their content to generate more traffic. KWFinder can also provide useful information about the competition for a particular keyword and search volumes.
How does KWFinder work? arrow icon in accordion
KWFinder works very simply. You just have to enter a keyword, and KWFinder will then suggest possible alternatives. It also displays information such as search volume, competition and keyword difficulty, so you can choose the best keywords for your project.
What are the advantages of KWFinder? arrow icon in accordion
KWFinder offers many advantages. It is a very effective SEO tool that helps you find the best keywords for your website or blog. It also provides useful information about search volume, competition and the difficulty of the keywords.
Is KWFinder free of charge? arrow icon in accordion
KWFinder offers a free trial version. However, there are also paid plans that include different features and functions.
What other tools does KWFinder offer? arrow icon in accordion
KWFinder offers a number of other tools that can help you optimize your website or blog. These include the keyword research tools, the backlink checker tools, the site audit tools and the site analytics tools.
What is the difference between KWFinder and other keyword research tools? arrow icon in accordion
KWFinder is a user-friendly tool that offers many useful features and functions that other similar tools don't have. For example, you can research more than one keyword at a time and also get information about search volume, competition and keyword difficulty.
Can I also use KWFinder for keyword research in other languages? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, KWFinder offers many different languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and many others.
Can I add my own keywords in KWFinder? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, KWFinder allows you to add your own keywords to improve search results and keyword metrics.
Can I use KWFinder for multiple projects at the same time? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, KWFinder is a very versatile tool that allows you to manage multiple projects simultaneously. You can research individual keywords or whole groups of keywords and track the results of each project individually.
How long does it take to get results with KWFinder? arrow icon in accordion
It depends on how many keywords you want to research and how fast your internet connection is. However, you will usually get results within a few seconds.

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Let Google work for you, because visitors become customers.

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