Web catalog

Web catalog
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The Web catalog is an online catalog that organizes links to websites, web pages, online services and other Internet resources. The catalog allows users to easily find and navigate interesting websites.

Web catalogs are a rather "old-fashioned" way of Backlinks to generate, but they still have their place in a balanced SEO strategy. Keep in mind, however, that not all web catalogs are the same. The quality of the catalog and the Relevance to your niche are crucial factors. Here are a few pointers to get the most out of web catalogs:

Reputable web catalogs

  • DMOZ: A bedrock. Even if it no longer carries the weight it once did, a link here can still be valuable.
  • Yahoo! Directory: Same here, but it costs an annual fee.
  • BOTW (Best of the Web): Another high quality, but paid catalog.

Niche specific catalogs

Find catalogs that are specific to your industry or niche. These are usually more valuable than general catalogs. For example, if you're in the healthcare field, a link from a medical directory would be much more relevant.

Local catalogs

For local businesses, catalogs like Yelp, Yellow Pages, or local chamber of commerce directories are very useful. Google attracts local Backlinks into consideration when it comes to local search queries.

Academic and government catalogs

.edu and .gov domains usually have a high authority. If your website is somehow relevant to these domains, a backlink from there would be worth its weight in gold.

What to avoid

  • Low-Quality Catalogs: Avoid catalogs that look like spam or have a poor user interface. Google probably won't like them either.
  • Irrelevant catalogs: A backlink from a completely irrelevant page won't do you much good.
  • Exaggeration: Too many Backlinks of web catalogs can appear unnatural and lead to a downgrading.

This is how you proceed

  1. Research: Find web catalogs that are relevant to your niche.
  2. Review: See if the catalog itself ranks well in search results. If it does, that's a good sign.
  3. Registration: Most of the time an entry is simple. You need to submit some info and the link to your website.
  4. Payment: Some catalogs are free, others require a one-time or annual fee.

Examples of web catalogen

Web catalogCostsSpecializationAuthorityComments
BellnetFree of chargeGeneralMediumEstablished since the 90s
Web catalog.deFree of chargeGeneralMediumExtensive
Search nose.comFree of chargeGeneralMediumWell structured
Known-where.comFeeBusinessMediumMore for commercial
Hotfrog GermanyFree of chargeBusinessMediumCompany-oriented
The localFree of chargeLocalHighAlso available as an app
Yellow PagesFeeBusinessHighVery well known
City yellow pagesFree of chargeLocalMediumGood local Range
MyCity.comFeeLocalMediumFocus on local businesses
Business directory GermanyFree of chargeBusinessMediumGeneral industries
Web2NullFree of chargeTech & Start-upsMediumFocus on new web technologies
Linkme.comFree of chargeGeneralLowSimple entry
DmozFree of chargeGeneralHighInternational but with German area
De-LinklistFree of chargeGeneralLowSimple entries
YalwaFree of chargeBusinessMediumBusiness-oriented
Business directorygermany.comFeeBusinessLowVarious industries
Bunte-Suche.deFree of chargeGeneralLowGeneral topics
ABC-Link.comFree of chargeGeneralLowWide range of categories
Flix.comFree of chargeGeneralMediumOlder Web catalog
LinkhitlistFree of chargeGeneralLowManual check
Weblinks4u.comFree of chargeGeneralLowManual check
Seo-United.comFree of chargeSEO & MarketingMediumFocus on SEO and Online Marketing
Catalog4youFree of chargeGeneralLowUncomplicated
Web Directory-web catalog.deFree of chargeGeneralLowMany categories
Search4all.comFree of chargeGeneralLowGeneral focus
Findorama.comFree of chargeGeneralLowManual check
Web directory.comFree of chargeGeneralMediumLarger selection of categories
Onlinestreet.comFree of chargeGeneralLowGeneral topics
Free-Web catalogFree of chargeGeneralLowWide category selection
Web catalog-1.deFree of chargeGeneralLowSimple entry option

The list is not a guarantee of quality or success. Always check the Relevance and authority of a catalog before submitting your website. And remember: quality always comes before quantity, especially when it comes to Backlinks goes

Note that the actual authority and value of the Backlinks can vary. It is also important not only to focus on the amount of Backlinks but above all on the quality. A good backlink from a high-quality and relevant Web catalog can be much more valuable than several Backlinks from less relevant or qualitative sources.

Advantages of web catalogs

The biggest advantage of a web catalog is that it allows users to search for websites and web content in a structured way. This allows users to find the information they need faster and more efficiently. In addition, users can use a catalog to rate and comment on websites, providing feedback that can help other users find what they are looking for more easily.

Disadvantages of web catalogs

The biggest disadvantage of a web catalog is that it is usually listed manually. This means that websites are often not up to date and users cannot see the latest content. Another disadvantage is that the catalog may also contain outdated or defunct websites.


They used to be the hot shit in SEO, but times have changed. Still, they're not completely dead either. So here's my conclusion on the subject:

  1. Relevance is kingYou should always choose web catalogs that are relevant to your industry or target group. Imagine you have a vegan online store and you are listed in a Web catalog listed for meat lovers. Does not bring so much, right?
  2. Quality before quantity: It is tempting to list your website in as many web catalogs as possible. But Google is not stupid and can distinguish quality from quantity. A few really good links can be much more effective than dozens of mediocre ones.
  3. No spam traps: Some web catalogs these days are nothing more than spam traps that can do more harm than good. Remember the good old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
  4. Diversification: Web catalogs alone should not be your only tactic in link building. It's like a diet - variety is important. Backlinks from blogs, forums, and social media give you a more balanced "link diet."
  5. Do not forget to monitor: You should always keep an eye on which links actually give you Traffic and which do not. Tools like Google Analytics can be worth their weight in gold here.

Think of it like a soccer team. Each player (or in this case, each backlink) has his strengths and weaknesses. A midfielder alone doesn't win games, but he is an important part of a versatile team. Likewise, web catalogs are just one player in your SEO team.

So, that's it from my side. I hope this helps you!

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What is a Web Catalog? arrow icon in accordion
A web catalog is a website that lists a collection of websites and other online resources. Web catalogs are a useful tool for searching a specific topic or niche. Web catalogs usually contain links to various websites and, depending on the type of catalog, may also contain additional information such as website descriptions and keywords.
How do web catalogs and search engines differ? arrow icon in accordion
Web catalogs are a specific type of search engine, where websites are specifically organized by categories. While search engines use keywords or questions to deliver the desired results, web catalogs follow a systematic approach, where results are organized by categories. Therefore, the user can more easily find the relevant results.
How to be included in web catalogs? arrow icon in accordion
To be included in a web catalog, you need to make a submission. This is a simple process where you have to provide information about your website, such as the website title, URL and a short description. Many web catalogs have strict guidelines, so your website may not be accepted if it does not meet the guidelines.
What is the difference between a general web catalog and a thematic web catalog? arrow icon in accordion
The difference between a general web catalog and a thematic web catalog lies in the way websites are organized. A general web catalog is a catalog that contains different types of websites divided into different categories. In contrast, a thematic web catalog is specifically focused on certain topics and contains only websites that fit that topic.
What is the advantage of a web catalog? arrow icon in accordion
The advantage of a web catalog is that websites are organized by categories, making it easier for the user to find the relevant results. Moreover, web catalogs often contain additional information such as website descriptions and keywords, so that the user gets even more detailed results.
What types of web catalogs are there? arrow icon in accordion
There are different types of web catalogs, such as general web catalogs, thematic web catalogs, regional web catalogs and global web catalogs. General web catalogs contain different types of websites that are divided into different categories. Thematic web catalogs are specifically focused on certain topics and contain only websites that fit that topic. Regional web catalogs contain websites that relate to a specific area, such as a particular city or region. Global web catalogs contain websites from all over the world.
How can I create a web catalog? arrow icon in accordion
To create a web catalog, you must first create a website. You then need to create a structure for the categories and subcategories of the catalog. Then you'll have to add links to websites you want to include in your catalog. It is also advisable to include a search function in the catalog, so that users can search for specific websites.
Can anyone create a web catalog? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, anyone can create a web catalog. However, it is important to note that there are some requirements that must be met in order for your catalog to be of high quality. These include following the web catalog guidelines and updating the catalog frequently.
What are the costs associated with a web catalog? arrow icon in accordion
The cost of a web catalog depends on the scope and complexity. Basically, you can create a simple web catalog for free. If you want to create a more sophisticated catalog, you can use a content management system and add some additional features, which can cost extra.
Are there web catalogs that are specifically focused on a particular topic? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, there are special web catalogs that are focused on specific topics. Thematic web catalogs are specifically focused on certain topics and contain only websites that fit this topic. Examples include a web catalog for sports, one for arts and culture, and a web catalog for travel. These special catalogs are helpful when searching for websites on a specific topic.

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