Exit Intent

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Website visitors bring huge potential to your sales funnel.

You've sent out dozens (maybe hundreds) of emails, posted tirelessly on various social media channels, and optimized your SEO and content to perfection. All of this has paid off by attracting visitors to your website - visitors who can actually convert.

But what do you do when a visitor leaves the site without logging in or taking action?

This is a unique opportunity to engage with your website visitor and convert them into an email subscriber.

Read on to learn how Exit Intent works, as well as some strategies and examples of Exit Intent Popups in action.

How does the Exit Intent work?

To attract visitors to your website, you need time and resources - a lot of resources. When they come to your site, you want to take every opportunity to convert them into paying customers or subscribers.

That means you need to analyze visitor behavior, such as which pages are viewed most often and when people are most likely to buy.

One important behavior you can take advantage of is intent to leave the site. Based on certain visitor actions, you can determine when a potential customer will leave your website. The right digital marketing tools examine visitor actions like:

  • Where the visitor moves his mouse pointer
  • How far a visitor scrolls through a page
  • How long a visitor remains idle
  • The activity level of a visitor
  • Previous website activities and history

Why is this information so important? They give you the opportunity to get in touch with the visitor of your website once again, and in most cases they are associated with low costs.

What are Exit Intent Popups?

You know when you're browsing a website and just before you hit the Browser closes or clicks on another page, a popup appears asking for your email address?

This is a Exit Intent Popup.

To create a popup that drives traffic, you not only need to get the timing right, but you also need to give visitors a reason to become email subscribers. Better yet, you want them to become customers.

Common strategies for Exit Intent Popups are:

  • Offer a discount code or coupon
  • Offer a free eBook or guide for download
  • Encourage visitors to read reviews or view testimonials
  • Ask visitors to fill out a survey
  • Point you to a new website tool
  • Confront them with items in their shopping cart

The right strategy for your business depends on your goals. A survey can help you optimize your website, and a discount code can encourage an immediate purchase.

Why are exit intent strategies important?

If a customer is ready to leave your site, you've missed an opportunity. Exit Intent-Strategies help you make the most of those last few seconds. Whether you're sending emails for your entire website, or just for a specific Landing Page want to capture, Exit Intent Popups are an effective tool.

The most lucrative advantages more effective Exit Intent-Strategies are:

  • Increasing the size of the email list: Exit Intent Popups that ask for an email address can get 4 to 7 % of your site visitors to sign up for your list. This can result in two new email addresses per 100 website visitors.
  • Improved conversion rates: Average conversion rates are 3.09%, but the best popups can achieve conversion rates from 10% to 60% if you optimize them properly.
  • Popup optimization: If you currently collect emails in a sidebar, you can use a Exit Intent-Popup can increase your list growth by up to 1,375 %.

Exit Intent is an effective way to grow your email audience and increase your conversion rates. This means it can also improve your digital marketing ROI.

6 Examples of Effective Exit Intent Popups from Real E-Commerce Campaigns

Even though it's tempting to avoid popups, it's clear that you should use them in some form. These examples of Exit Intent Popups show how you can best collect email addresses with popups.

1. use creative language that appeals to your website visitors.

Phrases like "Before you go," "Don't go yet," or "Wait, we have something for you!" can grab the reader's attention and encourage them to read your offer. Keep the message short and get right to the added value - you don't want them to close your popup because it's a novel. Use a clever opener, write a short message and include a bold CTA.

Language that conveys a sense of urgency can spur your readers to action.

2. consider the design of a popup when creating each campaign.

You don't want popups that are dazzling and intrusive. Think about how you want your logo to look on the popup, how other graphics might complement or clash with the colors, and what fonts you want to use so the text is compelling and easy to read. Also consider how you want the popup to look compared to animated graphics or videos on your website.

3. offer an added value that the visitors of your website can't find at your competitors.

While discount codes and coupons can be an effective sales strategy, you may have other goals. By offering content like eBooks and industry updates, you can provide value to your prospects and encourage them to convert. You'll also keep them from unsubscribing from your email list, setting you apart from competitors who don't focus on inbound content.

Your customers need to know what they're getting in exchange for their email address.

4. make it easy for your visitors to close the popup.

While you obviously want your visitors to sign up for your email list, it's a best practice to design popups so that they are easy to close. Even the best Exit Intent-Exit strategies can misjudge a visitor's intentions, so make it easy for them to return to what they were doing. Design a popup with a clear "x" or "close" to give your customers their own exit strategy.

A "close" option can prevent frustrating visitors who intend to make a purchase.

5. offer a free gift to encourage visitors to buy.

If you are selling physical products or want to encourage visitors to visit a store, you can Exit Intent Use popups to offer a free gift with purchase. As with discounts and coupons, people are more willing to spend their money with a company that adds value to their purchase. Freebies are a great way to increase conversion rates, but they can also be an opportunity to give away promotional items.

Free gifts are one of many promotions you can use to grow your email list.

6. ask for additional information when appropriate.

Collecting email addresses is only part of creating an email campaign. The more information you have about your potential customers, the more effectively you can personalize your emails and segment the list. Don't overwhelm your customers with a long form, though. Limit it to two or three fields and don't require your visitor to fill in all of them.

Request additional information to complete your customer profiles.

How you can implement exit intent strategies that work

To find the right Exit Intent-Developing a website strategy takes a little research and planning. You need to think about your target audience, your sales goals, and the benefits you can offer your website visitors. You also need to be able to communicate why people should sign up for your email list.

If you want an effective Exit Intent-campaign, follow these simple steps:

  • Analyze the Heatmap of your website: A Heatmap shows you where your website visitors spend the most time and where they click the most. This can be incredibly useful for analyzing bounce intent.
  • Determine the best offer: you're asking for personal information, so provide value to your Exit Intent Popup. Your customers are a good starting point if you want to know what to offer.
  • Find the right marketing tools: The right marketing and analytics tools will help you Heatmap evaluate, analyze website traffic, and create a comprehensive marketing campaign.
  • Design an attractive popup: You don't want to create an eyesore. Hire a designer or expert for any aspects you don't feel comfortable with, such as graphic design or analytics.
  • Optimize the timing of the popup: some popups are more effective if you display them quickly, while others are more effective after an action-based trigger. Use A/B testing to decide.

Yours Exit IntentA marketing strategy should be part of your marketing plan, not just a one-off strategy. This will help you find the best marketing channels for your business.

10 Examples of Exit Intent Strategies

  1. Pop-up window: A pop-up window appears before the user leaves the page, offering them a discount or more information.
  2. Opt-in form: A form appears before the user leaves the page, asking him to sign up for the newsletter or other offers.
  3. Social media follow-up prompt: Before leaving the page, the user is prompted to follow the page on a social media platform.
  4. Live chat: A live chat window appears before the user leaves the page, giving them the opportunity to ask questions or get help.
  5. Video offer: A video appears before the user leaves the page, offering them more information or a special deal.
  6. Quiz or survey: Before leaving the page, the user is asked to participate in a quiz or survey.
  7. Offer downloadable content: Before leaving the page, the user is prompted to sign up to download content.
  8. Customer rating: Before leaving the site, the user is asked to give a rating of their experience.
  9. Customer Support: Before leaving the page, the user is asked if they need help or assistance.
  10. Upsell or cross-sell: Before the user leaves the page, he is referred to other, similar products or services.

WordPress Plugins for Exit Intent Pop-Ups

For WordPress, there are many different plugins you can use to create an exit intent popup on your website. Some of the most popular plugins are:

  1. Exit-Intent Popup from OptinMonster: This Plugin allows you to create custom popups that will be displayed when a visitor wants to close the window. It has many useful features, such as A/B split testing and analytics, that will help you to improve your Conversion Rate to improve.
  2. Hello Bar: This Plugin allows you to attach a custom message or call-to-action to the top bar of your website, which is displayed when a visitor wants to close the window. It's easy to use and also offers A/B split testing and analytics.
  3. Exit Popup from Sumo: This Plugin allows you to create custom popups that will be displayed when a visitor wants to close the window. It has many useful features like A/B split testing, analytics, and the ability to disable popups on specific pages or posts on your site.

There are many other plugins you can use to create exit intent popups on your WordPress website. It depends on what features you need and how much you are willing to spend. I recommend you to take a look at the different options and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Shopify Plugins for Exit Intent Pop-Ups

For Shopify there are also many different plugins you can use to create an exit-intent popup on your website. Some of the most popular ones are:

  1. Exit-Intent Popup from Privy: This Plugin allows you to create a wide variety of popups that will be displayed when a visitor wants to close the window. It has a lot of useful features, such as A/B split testing and analytics, that will help you improve your Conversion Rate to improve.
  2. Exit intent popup from Justuno: This Plugin allows you to create custom popups that will be displayed when a visitor wants to close the window. It has many useful features like A/B split testing, analytics and the ability to disable popups on specific pages or products of your online store.
  3. Exit-Intent Popup from OptinMonster: This Plugin is also available for Shopify and allows you to create different popups that will be displayed when a visitor wants to close the window. It has many useful features like A/B split testing and analytics that will help you improve your Conversion Rate to improve.

There are many other plugins you can use to create exit intent popups on your Shopify online store. It depends on what features you need and how much you are willing to spend. I recommend you to take a look at the different options and choose the one that best suits your needs.


If you know how Exit Intent works, it's easier to create a popup that complements your website. You can use marketing tools to find the right approach and implement an effective campaign. The following points are important to find the right Exit Intent Implement popups:

  • Your website is a treasure trove of data to help you find the right strategies for getting out.
  • Popups can be an effective way to collect email addresses if you use them correctly.
  • Marketing tools help you optimize your pop-up campaigns.
  • Find the right solution for your business by studying your visitors' behavior and asking your existing customers for feedback on how to grow your list.
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What is Exit Intend? arrow icon in accordion
Exit Intend is a B2B platform that enables companies to develop and implement a unified and proactive strategy for selling unwanted fixed assets. It offers companies the opportunity to gain access to a large network of potential buyers, implement and follow a standardized process for the sale of fixed assets, and benefit from a transparent and cost-efficient sales process.
Why should companies use Exit Intend? arrow icon in accordion
Exit Intend offers companies a simple and efficient way to sell unwanted fixed assets. It provides companies with a comprehensive and efficient process to sell faster and more efficiently. It also provides a large number of potential buyers ready to make you an attractive offer.
What are the main features of Exit Intend? arrow icon in accordion
Exit Intend provides companies with several key features, including:
- Enables companies to implement a standardized process for valuing and marketing fixed assets. arrow icon in accordion
- Enables companies to gain access to a broad network of buyers.
- Enables companies to follow a transparent and efficient sales process. arrow icon in accordion
- Ensures efficient cost control and cost reduction.
What types of companies can benefit from Exit Intend? arrow icon in accordion
Exit Intend is a versatile and beneficial solution for companies of any size from various industries and sectors. It is best suited for companies that need to buy and sell fixed assets, including mutual funds, banks, insurance companies, asset managers, assets and real estate.
What value does Exit Intend provide? arrow icon in accordion
Exit Intend provides companies with a unified and proactive strategy for selling unwanted fixed assets. It provides access to a broad network of potential buyers, a standardized sales process and a transparent and cost-efficient sales process.
What are the costs associated with the Exit Intend process? arrow icon in accordion
There are no additional costs associated with the Exit Intend process. Instead, only a small fee is charged for the service, which helps the company sell unwanted fixed assets more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Is there a support function on Exit Intend? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, Exit Intend offers a comprehensive and efficient support function. Companies can take the help of the support team in selling unwanted fixed assets.
How secure is Exit Intend? arrow icon in accordion
Exit Intend uses state-of-the-art technology to protect the data and transactions of all users and ensure that all information is protected from unauthorized access.

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