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What is

What is anyway? is a popular URL- Link Shortener on the web. With you can shorten a link and create a so-called Bitly Link create. The Online Marketing-Tool processes billions of click per month and also allows to track clicks, Site Referrals and get an idea of from which (geographic) locations most clicks occur.

Go to Shorten link you only have to go to the website of and paste a link in the field provided. The field shows automatic Your new Short link an. In addition, you will receive a summary of the content of the Bitly Linkhow many clicks the Bitlink has received and an option, to join, so that you can see every created Short link can store and monitor.

To purely as a link shortener, you do not need to be logged in as a user. If the Destination however, your Short link to organize permanently and also in the future again on your Bitly Link or to track the clicks from this short link, it is useful to register for a free user account at to be considered. - The use of the free user account

With a free user account at you will only get access to the "Your Bitlinks" tab. To open the tabs DashboardTo use Custom Bitlinks and OneView, a Premium account is required.

In the "Your Bitlinks" tab you can see a bar graph that shows the number of Bitly links that you have created recently, as well as a brief summary of the total number of clicks, top referrers and your top location, i.e. the location from which the most clicks occur, at the top left of the screen.

Below that on the left side you can see his feed from Bitly links. If you have a Short link you will get a summary on the right side.

So that you have a Shorten link respectively Bitlink go to the page and move the mouse pointer over the orange Create button and select from the drop-down menu Bitlink off. A field will then appear on the right side where you can insert a link that is too long in order to create a Short link to receive. Then the program can easily create a new Short link create.

If necessary, it is also possible to delete the last few characters of the Links adjust. Afterwards you can set the Short link copy, or via the Share Share button on Twitter or Facebook.

In order to always refer back to your created Short link to fall back on, each newly created Bitlink entered in your feed. You can click on any Short link in the left column to view the details on the right - including the title of the page and more.

To get your Bitlinks while you add more, you can check the box next to each Short link in your feed to either highlight it or hide it. When you select a specific Bitlink to Keywords or Tags you can also use the search bar. Tools

If you often work with shorten a link, it is useful to take a look at the following tools:

  • The browser extension from for the web browser of your choice (Safari, Chrome or Firefox)
  • The bookmark should be placed on your bookmark bar
  • Download the iPhone or Android app
  • Using the WordPress plugin on your WordPress site

Summary: How to use correctly

To please follow the steps below:

  1. Registration: Visit the ( and create a free account by clicking "Get Started for Free". Fill out the registration form or sign in with an existing Google or Facebook account.
  2. Link shortening: After you have registered and logged in, you will see an input field labeled "Shorten your link". Enter the long URL that you want to shorten and click Shorten or press Enter. Automatically generates a shortened URLthat you can copy and share.
  3. Custom short URLs: To create a custom shortURL or vanityURL to create a shortcut, click on "Edit" or the pencil icon next to the generated shortcut.URL. Enter the desired user-defined text to be displayed in the shortURL should appear and click "Save". Note that this feature may be available only in paid is available.
  4. Link management: In your you can manage all your shortened links. You can filter and sort them by date, tags or individual notes. This makes it easier to find and manage your links.
  5. Performance Analysis: provides analytics to track the performance of your short links. Click a link in your Dashboardto view detailed statistics such as the number of clicks, geographic distribution of clicks, and referral sources. You can also adjust the time span for analysis to see trends and patterns.
  6. Integration with social media and other tools: can be integrated with many social media platforms and marketing tools to facilitate link sharing and tracking. You can for example, integrate with tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or TweetDeck to simplify posting and managing your links on various social media platforms.
  7. Group and team functions: With paid, you can create groups and collaborate with your team. You can share, manage, and analyze links, which makes it easier to collaborate and coordinate your marketing campaigns.
  8. Export functions: allows you to export the statistics and data of your shortened links in various formats such as CSV or Excel. This allows you to further analyze your data in other tools or create reports for your stakeholders.
  9. API-Integration: For advanced users and developers offers a API (Application Programming Interface), with which you can use the functions of integrate into your own applications, websites or tools. The API-documentation can be found on the and includes instructions on how to create API-Requests to shorten URLs, retrieve statistics, and manage links.
  10. Security and privacy: Make sure that you use your account settings with security and privacy in mind. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication to increase the protection of your account. Also note the privacy policy of and make sure that you agree with the use of your data.

By making full use of the diverse functions of you can increase the efficiency of your online marketing efforts by creating more readable and shareable links, tracking and analyzing their performance, and using the data to further optimize your marketing strategy. Always keep security and privacy in mind to ensure the trust of your users and customers. advantages offers a number of advantages. One of the most important advantages is the increased readability of the links. makes it possible to shorten long URLs, making them easier to read and understand.

It also offers the following advantages:

  1. URL shortening: One of the biggest advantages of Bitly is the ability to convert long and unwieldy URLs into shorter and easier to remember URLs, making it easier to share and share links.
  2. Link performance analysis: Bitly offers a comprehensive analytics platform that allows users to track and analyze the performance of links, including the number of clicks, the origin of clicks, and the time spent on a page.
  3. Custom Branding: Bitly allows users to create custom links that represent their own brand or business.
  4. Integration of third-party tools: Bitly allows the integration of third-party tools such as Google Analytics, Salesforce and Hootsuite, making it easier to analyze data and optimize marketing campaigns.
  5. QR code creation: Bitly allows users to create QR codes for their links, which makes it easier to use on mobile devices.
  6. Sharing links on social networks: Bitly lets users share links directly on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  7. Creation of custom landing pages: Bitly allows users to create custom landing pages, which makes it easier to optimize marketing campaigns.
  8. Safety: Bitly offers the possibility to encrypt links, which increases the security of links.
  9. Use as a link management tool: Bitly can be used as a link management tool to manage and organize all the links created over time.
  10. Easy handling: Bitly is easy to use and does not require extensive technical knowledge, which makes it easier to use. disadvantages also has some disadvantages. One of them is that does not provide security. Links that are accessible via have been shortened can be easily manipulated, making them inaccurate. Also, users cannot see where the shortened links lead to, which protects them from malware.

Possible impact of on SEO is a well-known URL-shortening service that converts long URLs into shorter, easier to share and read links. In some cases, this can have both positive and negative effects on SEO.

Positive effects:

  1. Link Authority: usually uses 301-Forwards to redirect users from the shortURL to the original targetURL redirect. A 301 redirect is a persistent redirect that instructs search engines to use the link value (Link Juice) from the shortURL on the targetURL to transfer. Therefore, the use of general, short links do not have a negative impact on SEO, since the link authority is based on the target link.URL is passed on.
  2. Link tracking and analysis: provides link tracking and analytics that allow you to track the performance of your social media links and marketing campaigns. This can provide valuable information about the effectiveness of your campaigns and help you optimize your SEO strategy.

Negative effects:

  1. Trust and security: Using short links can make users distrust you because they can't immediately see where the link leads. This can potentially lead to fewer clicks, which can indirectly affect SEO. In such cases, it can be useful to use custom short URLs or so-called vanity URLs that contain the brand name or a relevant term.
  2. Spam and abuse: URL-Shortening services like are sometimes abused by spammers and scammers to hide links to malicious or fraudulent websites. Search engines might be wary of short links because of this abuse. However, it is important to note that reputable websites and companies that are content providers that use short links should not be negatively impacted as long as they continue to follow quality content and good SEO practices.
  3. Dependence on third-party vendors: When using or other URL-Shortening services, you depend on the availability and reliability of these services. If the service goes down or makes unexpected changes, it can affect your links and possibly your SEO.

Overall, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using links in the context of your SEO strategy. As long as you keep the potential negative effects in mind and take appropriate precautions, you can short links effectively into your SEO and marketing strategy. Here are some tips to minimize potential negative effects and get the most out of links.

  1. Use custom short URLs or vanity URLs: By using custom short URLs or vanity URLs that include the brand name or a relevant term, you can increase user trust and ensure they are more likely to click the link.
  2. Focus on high-quality content: Make sure your website offers quality content that is relevant to both users and search engines. This will help maintain search engine trust in your website, regardless of the use of short links.
  3. Monitor the performance of your short links: Take advantage of the link tracking and analysis features of Bit.lyto monitor the performance of your short links on social media and marketing campaigns. Adjust your strategy accordingly to get the most out of your links.
  4. Combine links with other SEO techniques: Don't rely solely on short links to improve your SEO performance. Combine the use of links with other proven SEO techniques such as optimizing meta tags, improving page speed, and building high-quality Backlinks.
  5. Be vigilant about the reliability of third-party vendors: Maintain the availability and reliability of and others URL-Shorten services in mind. Make sure you consider or have alternative solutions ready in case the service fails or makes unexpected changes.

By following these tips and considering the potential advantages and disadvantages of using you weigh up the positive aspects of short links, you can maximize the positive aspects and minimize the possible negative effects on your SEO.

Use cases can be used for a variety of purposes. It can also be used to promote individual pages and products. can also be used to track click-through rates to measure the success rates of a campaign.

15 examples

  1. URL shortening: One of Bitly's main applications is shortening URLs. It allows users to convert long and unwieldy URLs into shorter and easier to remember URLs.
  2. Social Media Marketing: Bitly can be used to share links on social media and track the number of clicks on those links.
  3. Email marketing: Bitly can be used to include links in emails and track clicks on those links.
  4. Link performance analysis: Bitly offers a comprehensive analytics platform that allows users to track and analyze the performance of links, including the number of clicks, the origin of clicks, and the time spent on a page.
  5. Custom Branding: Bitly allows users to create custom links that represent their own brand or business.
  6. Integration of third-party tools: Bitly enables integration with third-party tools such as Google Analytics, Salesforce, and Hootsuite.
  7. QR code creation: Bitly allows users to create QR codes for their links that can be easily scanned from mobile devices.
  8. Sharing links on social networks: Bitly lets users share links directly on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  9. Creation of custom landing pages: Bitly allows users to create custom landing pages that contain specific information or offers tailored to specific audiences.
  10. Creation of link groups: Bitly allows users to organize and manage links in groups, which makes it easier to manage multiple links related to a specific topic or project.
  11. Integration with marketing automation tools: Bitly can be integrated with marketing automation tools such as Marketo, Pardot and Eloqua to track and analyze the performance of links in email campaigns.
  12. Use for A/B Testing: Bitly can be used to test different versions of a landing page or campaign and compare the performance of the different variants.
  13. Use for lead generation: Bitly can be used to create landing pages for lead generation and to track and analyze the performance of these landing pages.
  14. Use for affiliate marketingBitly can be used to create links for affiliate marketing campaigns and to track and analyze the performance of these campaigns.
  15. Use as a link management tool: Bitly can be used as a link management tool to manage and organize all the links created over time.

What you should consider before using Linkshortener

The use of left-handed hoarders such as can be super convenient, but also comes with some things to keep in mind. Here are some tips and hints:

  1. Transparency and trust: Shortened links hide the actual URLwhich is why many people are suspicious of such links. They cannot immediately see where the link leads to, which can lead to security concerns.
    • Example: If someone shares a link that reads don't know whether it will lead you to a useful article, to a commercial page or maybe even to a harmful website.
  2. Temporary nature: Some link shortener services do not guarantee the eternity of the link. This means that the short link you create today might not work in a few years.
  3. Sensitive information: Never share links that lead to documents or pages containing sensitive or personal information. Since the targetURL is hidden, others could use it to share confidential information without the recipients immediately realizing it.
  4. Statistics and data protection: Many left-holders, including bit.lyThese provide statistics on how many times a link has been clicked, from what geographic region, etc. However, note that this can also raise privacy concerns, as you collect information about the people who click on your link.
  5. Branding and professionalism: For professional or commercial purposes, some brands may want to use their own short URLs. and some other services offer the possibility to use custom short domains.
    • Example: Instead of could a company like "ExampleCompany" perhaps use
  6. Guidelines and rules of conductMake sure that you know and follow the guidelines of the link shortener service. Some services might ban links to certain types of content.
  7. Avoid spamUse the link shortener responsibly. Constantly sharing shortened links, especially on social media, can be perceived as spam and your account could be suspended.
  8. Backup your links: If you have shortened many important links, it would be a good idea to save a list of those links in case the shortener service ever fails or you lose access to your account.

Ultimately, left-shorters like great tools, especially when you're working with limited space, like in a tweet. But it's important to be careful and aware of how and when you use them. Hopefully these tips will help you get the most out of link shorteners without running into potential problems!

Conclusion is a useful tool that allows users to shorten long URLs and make them easier to read and understand. It can also be used to improve a website's SEO position and measure campaign success rates. Some disadvantages of however, are the lack of security and the impossibility to see where the shortened links lead.

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What is a link? arrow icon in accordion
A link is a short URL link which is offered by as a service. This link can be used to turn long URLs into shorter, easier-to-remember URLs. This can be very helpful to share links without shortening them manually.
Why are links used? arrow icon in accordion links are often used to shorten long and complex URLs that are sometimes difficult to remember or share. They can also be used to access user statistics and track links.
Where to find links? arrow icon in accordion links can be found all over the web, especially in social media platforms and websites. They can also be created through the website.
How do I create a link? arrow icon in accordion
It's very easy to create a link. Go to the website and enter the URL you want to shorten. Then click "Shorten" and you will get your new link.
Can I track long URLs on arrow icon in accordion
Yes, provides a tracking feature that allows you to track the number of clicks on your link. You can also see when and where the links were clicked.
Will my URL be protected if I shorten it to arrow icon in accordion
Yes, offers an encryption feature that allows you to protect your link from hackers and other malware attacks.
Can I send links in emails? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, links can be easily sent in emails. However, they are not as secure as other links because they can be easily hacked or modified.
Can links be opened on mobile devices? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, links can be easily opened on iPhones, Android devices and other mobile devices. They are compatible with most browsers.
Can I use links in my website? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, links can also be used in web pages. You can paste the link into HTML code or simply create a text link that points to the link.
Can I edit or delete links? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, links can be edited and deleted. To do this, go to the website, log in, and select the appropriate link. You can edit the link or delete it completely.

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