Technical SEO

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What is Technical SEO

Technical Search engine optimization (SEO) describes a webmaster's efforts to ensure that their website is compatible with search engine guidelines, and can be indexed and ranked accordingly for key phrase searches.

While marketers may best understand the implications of getting SEO wrong, it is often developers who implement technical SEO decisions.

Although technical SEO is not as time consuming as ongoing optimization such as. Linkbuildingyou are wrong and can destroy your website's search performance quite quickly (indexing problems occur before the quality score).

The most appropriate time to consider technical SEO is during the creation of a website. If this is not done, lengthy and involved technical SEO audits may be required to identify and fix problems, with possible periods of uncertainty when changes are made.

However, technical search engine optimization is not just about building a website; updates by search engines and changes in one's business direction or customer behavior may also require changes.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO considerations when creating and maintaining a website include the following.

1. future-proofing of the information architecture

As the website grows over time, the architecture needs to be able to cope. Ideally, pages should not be buried too deep (more than four levels down) within the website, which means planning a "horizontal" website. This way, search engines can regularly crawl, cache and index pages.

Categorization is a big part of website architecture in the E-commerce, dividing a catalog of products into categories and assigning URLs. Products may need to live in multiple categories, which brings further considerations such as canonicalization (see below).

Other decisions to be made are:

  • The appropriate use of subdomains
  • The formatting of URLs
  • Use of the right parameters for dynamic content (e.g. product filters)
  • The submission of sitemaps (including mobile and video)
  • Applying a 'robots' meta tag and using the robots.txt file (to give instructions to search crawlers, such as 'don't index').

2. canonization

Canonization is the process of selecting a preferred URLwhen there are multiple choices for a single page. Problems with canonicalization often occur with the Homepage (e.g. if many different international URLs point to the Homepage refer, or more simply, if and do so).

Tags and redirects are used to solve these problems so that search engines do not understand such URLs as evidence of duplicate content.

3. page breaks

Pagination, which is often used for E-commerce-categories when many products are displayed may cause crawler problems, duplicate content (similar to canonicalization), or simply reduce the Relevance dilute" their content by disseminating it further.

Again, using the right meta tags is the key to effective Ranking for paginated content.

4.Cannibalization of websites and content

Namely, making sure this doesn't happen (similar content competing in search and resulting in lower positions overall) by understanding what content should rank highest and determining the right structure for internal links, subdomains, and international sites to make this happen.

5. detours

Redirection is used to ensure that users are served the most appropriate content that can be contextualized for their location, language, or device.

6. speed optimization

The speed of the website can be optimized in several ways, including Content-Delivery Networks, Caching-solutions, minifying code, asynchronous loading or using Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML that does all these things and more.

7. html markup

HTML can be extended to give web crawlers specific information. This markup is needed to format the content optimally.

Examples include:

  • Open graphic - tell Facebook what you want your content to look like
  • Twitter Cards
  • Language indicator
  • Title, description and header tags
  • structured data marking, e.g. to display rich excerpts in the search.
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What is technical SEO? arrow icon in accordion
Technical SEO refers to technical aspects of optimizing a website to improve search engine optimization. It includes aspects such as the structure of the website, mobile optimization, analytics and troubleshooting.
Why is technical SEO important? arrow icon in accordion
Technical SEO is important because it helps a website get the easiest kind of search engine rankings. Search engines like Google rank websites based on technical factors to determine how relevant they are to certain search queries. If the technical aspects are not at an optimal level, a website may not receive as much traffic as it would otherwise.
What are the most important technical SEO elements? arrow icon in accordion
Some of the most important technical SEO elements are website structure, loading speed, mobile optimization, use of schema markup, internal linking and sitemap generation.
How do I analyze my website for technical SEO issues? arrow icon in accordion
There are several tools that can be used to analyze Technical SEO. Google offers its own SEO tool called Search Console, which can be used to detect and fix page-related problems. There are also external tools like Screaming Frog and SEMrush that can be used as well.
How to improve the loading speed of a website? arrow icon in accordion
There are several ways to improve the loading speed of a website. Some of the most important steps are using a content delivery network (CDN), optimizing images, reducing requests to the server, and implementing a caching system.
What is schema markup and how can I implement it? arrow icon in accordion
Schema markup is a code format that search engines can use to better understand information on a website. It can be used to improve a website's visibility in search queries. Schema markup can be easily implemented by using a free schema generator tool, but most content management systems also have plugins or extensions that make it easier to add schema markup.
What is internal linking and how can I improve it? arrow icon in accordion
Internal linking refers to linking from one page on a website to another page on the same website. It is an important part of search engine optimization because it helps search engines understand which pages on a website are important and how they are connected. To improve internal linking, you should make sure that all important pages on a website are linked and that the linking is organic and natural.
How do I add a sitemap? arrow icon in accordion
A sitemap is a simple XML file that lists all the URLs on a website. It is an important component of technical SEO, as it helps search engines find and crawl all pages on a website. A sitemap can be easily added by using a free plugin that automatically generates the sitemap and sends it to search engines.
What is a 404 error and how to fix it? arrow icon in accordion
A 404 error occurs when a website tries to find a page that does not exist. To fix a 404 error, one should first create a 301 redirect to redirect the page to the correct URL. If this is not possible, you can create a custom 404 page to help users get to the correct part of the website.
What is a Robots.txt file and how can I create it? arrow icon in accordion
A Robots.txt file is a text file that helps search engines understand which pages on a website should be crawled and which should not. It can be created using a simple text editor and must be uploaded to the root directory of the website.

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