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What is caching

The Caching of web pages is one of the most beneficial technologies for the Search engine optimization. In short, it makes websites extremely fast, which leads to better SEO scores and increased user satisfaction. It can also result in a better conversion rate and thus higher revenue from transactions.

What is caching?

While the exact technologies of caching can be quite complex, the basic idea is simple. Below you will find a small example of this:

For example, if a person asks you what your name is and where you come from, you don't have to think long to answer. You already have this information firmly stored in your memory. Thus, you can answer this question immediately without having to think about it. The Caching uses a similarly functioning principle.

Websites are generally accessed hundreds, thousands or sometimes even millions of times per month. Normally, every time a web page is called up by a Browser perform a series of complex and time-consuming calculations. The Browser for example, loads high-resolution images, generates the header and footer, or finds the sidebar widgets of your website. However, in many cases the result of all these calculations will be the same. Wouldn't it be great then if we could just make the server remember the end result? That way, you wouldn't have to process each request individually. This concept is exactly what Caching effects!


How does caching work?

The easiest way is to use the Caching-Process by looking at how a page is served. Let's say you have a blog with enabled Caching. When someone first sees your Homepage visits, the page loads in the conventional way. The request is received, processed on the server, and the resulting web page to be displayed is converted into an HTML file and sent to the visitor's web browser.

Since the Caching is switched on, the server usually saves this HTML file in its "Random Access Memory" (or RAM), which is extremely fast. If you or someone else has the Homepage the next time it visits, the server does not need to perform the processing and conversion to HTML. Instead, it simply sends the already prepared HTML file to the Browser.


What happens when you change the content?

However, what happens if you use the Caching have turned on and then publish a new post? Won't the new post be out of cache and thus invisible to site visitors? Well, all properly set up Caching-systems can handle such scenarios. A Caching-system consists not only of the mechanism to store prepared HTML files, it also has the ability to clear the cache and then regenerate it. This happens, for example, when new content is published.

A cache configured for WordPress would cache the cached version of the Homepage- and archive pages when a new post has been published. The other pages, such as the "About" page and other posts, would remain unaffected.


Will caching make your website faster?

A well-coded website can load in less than two seconds. Therefore, one might wonder if this is not already fast enough. Therefore, one may be unsure whether the Caching really worth it. The answer to that is a resounding yes!

Through the use of Browser- and serverCaching  you can save much more loading time. The loading speed is essential to provide the user with a pleasant experience. User Experience to enable

Also note that by introducing Caching not only make your website faster, but also improve its performance. Thus, you can achieve that the load of sudden Traffic-peaks can be endured more easily.

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What is caching? arrow icon in accordion
Caching is a technique used to temporarily store data and information to speed up future requests. This data and information is stored in local memory so that future requests do not require the use of external servers for retrieval.
How does caching work? arrow icon in accordion
Caching works by storing data and information sent in a request to an external server in local memory. When another request is made to the server, the data is retrieved from local memory instead of sending a new request to the server. This speeds up response time and consumes fewer resources.
Why is caching used? arrow icon in accordion
Caching is used to improve response time and reduce the load on external servers. It also allows users to work with better performance and saves a lot of time and money when creating and running applications.
What are the different types of caching? arrow icon in accordion
There are several types of caching, including client caching, server caching, content delivery networks (CDN), and web caching. Each type of caching has its own specific way of improving access to data and accelerating performance.
What is client caching? arrow icon in accordion
Client caching is a type of caching where data and information are stored on the user's client computer. When the user retrieves the same information again, it is retrieved from local storage instead of sending a new request to the server.
What is server caching? arrow icon in accordion
Server caching is a type of caching that stores data and information on the server. This prevents the same requests from being sent to the server over and over again, and improves the performance of the application and the server.
What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)? arrow icon in accordion
A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of distributed servers that enable users to access content faster. A CDN enables users to access content faster by storing copies of the content on multiple servers. This ensures that content can be accessed quickly and reliably.
What is web caching? arrow icon in accordion
Web caching is a type of caching where data and information is stored on the server for faster access in future requests. This reduces the load on the server and shortens the response time.
How can caching improve performance? arrow icon in accordion
Caching can improve performance by reducing the load on external servers and shortening the response time for requests. This also ensures that users can access content faster, improving usability and user experience.
Should caching be used? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, caching is a valuable technique that can be used in many applications and website. It can improve performance and shorten the response time for requests, which helps users have a better user experience.

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