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What is a redirect

What is a redirect?

Redirects are used to tell visitors or web crawlers where to go when the page they requested becomes unavailable for one reason or another. Although this concept is quite simple, many website developers use redirects incorrectly, which greatly affects website performance and SEO.Ranking can have an effect.

Reasons for the use of detour

There are a number of reasons why web developers should use a Redirect must use, including but not limited to:

  • Move or delete a page
  • Purchase of a new domain and redirection of all pages of your old website to the new one.
  • Merge two websites into one
  • Updating the CMS platform of the website
  • Guide the visitor to a new destination
  • If you use redirects correctly, the visitor won't even notice that they've been redirected to another page, but if you make a mistake, you can lose your GoogleRanking and influence your referral traffic.

Types of detour

There are different types of redirects that should be used in different situations. If you need to redirect a page or pages on your website, carefully consider which type to use so that you can maintain domain authority and SEO'sRanking of your website.

301 Redirect (Permanent redirection)
This redirection should be used when you permanently delete a page and move it to another location and you want to use your SEO-Ranking do not want to change. Web developers can update the redirect at any time to bring visitors to a new location. This is the Redirect-type you want to implement most of the time, for 90% of your Redirect-needs.

302 Temporary detours
While this is an option, you really shouldn't have any use for it. The temporary redirect doesn't give you the same SEO benefits as the 301 permanent redirect, and it can actually cause duplicate content to appear in search engine results. This is because Google reads it as a temporary redirect, not a permanent redirect, and keeps both the old and new content.

307 Temporary detour
Although this is a temporary Redirect is, just like the 302 Redirect, this one is much more useful. The 307 Redirect is used to ensure that visitors to the site do not enter a page that contains sensitive information, such as credit card information provided during the checkout process of a E-commerce-website were entered, do not update them more than once.

404 Error
If visitors see this message, it means that the website is down on the server. This could either mean that you have to check the URL entered incorrectly, or the website or page was deleted or moved and the web developer did not redirect it correctly. Consider 404 error as a way to tell visitors that the website or web page no longer exists. When web developers discover a 404 error, they should act quickly to correct it. Your website loses Traffic with 404 errors because visitors are at a dead end with no direction as to where the web page has gone or how to find it.

To avoid this problem, the least web developers can do is to create a custom 404 page. Even though visitors still can't access the content they requested, they can still navigate to other pages on your site. If you don't do this, your 404 error page could be all white, with only the words "404 error".

410 Error
If your site has indexed content that should not be indexed, use a 410 error-Redirectwhich tells Google never to visit this page again, because it no longer exists. This is possible if your company no longer offers a certain service and no longer wants to appear in search results. The page can be turned into a 410 error redirect so that Google does not include it in the results.

How to check redirects:

Web developers should familiarize themselves with various tools they can use to check for redirection errors and issues.

Link Redirect Trace
This ChromeBrowser-extension allows web developers to watch out for faulty or incorrect redirects on their website. If redirects are used that are not SEO-friendly, the tool notifies you to make immediate changes and improve your SEO.Ranking can receive. This is especially helpful if you have recently moved websites or deleted old pages on your website and need to verify that everything was redirected correctly.

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What is a redirect? arrow icon in accordion
A redirect is a mechanism that allows users to be redirected to another page when they visit a web page. It is a technique often used for the purpose of redirecting a user to a specific site or to a new version of a site.
When should you use a redirect? arrow icon in accordion
Redirects should be used in a number of situations. Some examples are: When a URL has changed, when a subpage has been moved, when you need to redirect from an old site to a new site, when you want to redirect users to another page, when you want to make a page available at multiple URLs, or when you need to redirect to another page or to another version of the same page.
How to create a redirect? arrow icon in accordion
A redirect can be created in several ways. The most common methods are using HTML meta tags or redirecting using server scripts such as PHP, ASP or CGI. A redirect can also be created using an .htaccess file.
What is a 301 redirect? arrow icon in accordion
A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect status code returned by a server. When a 301 redirect is used, the user is automatically redirected to the specified destination URL and search engines know that the original page was redirected to the new page.
What is the difference between a 301 and a 302 redirect? arrow icon in accordion
The difference between the two is that the 301 redirect is permanent and the 302 redirect is temporary. A 301 redirect means that the original page is permanently redirected to another page, while a 302 redirect is temporary.
What is the impact of a redirect on SEO? arrow icon in accordion
Redirects can affect the SEO of your website if they are not implemented correctly. If a redirect is not implemented correctly, it can lead to search engines not indexing your page properly and search engines not seeing your page as relevant.
Can redirects affect the loading time of a page? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, redirects can affect the load time of a page, as it takes some time to redirect to another page. However, it's important to note that redirect time is a relatively small portion of a page's total load time, and that other factors such as design and the number of scripts on a page have a much greater impact on load time.
Is it possible to redirect to an unlinked website? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, redirection to an unlinked web page is possible. The redirect process can also be used to redirect users from one page to another page that is not linked.
What is a cross-domain redirect? arrow icon in accordion
A cross-domain redirect is a redirect that redirects users from a page on one domain to a page on another domain. This can be used, for example, when you want to redirect users from an old page to a new page that is on a different domain.
What is a redirect loop? arrow icon in accordion
A redirect loop is an infinite loop that occurs when a server performs a permanent redirect to a page, which in turn instructs the server to redirect the user to that page again. This loop can result in users not being able to reach the desired page. To avoid a redirect loop, you should ensure that your redirects redirect to a page that does not in turn redirect to the original page.

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