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What is a microsite

Microsites are useful web tools which can be used to make a brand stand out from the crowd. Learn what they can do for the Search engine optimization are useful and how you can use them for your business.

What is a microsite?

A Microsite is exactly what it sounds like. It consists of a small amount of content that is stored outside the Homepage of your company exists. Most of the time microsites are on a separate URL and not placed on your website. Nevertheless, they serve an important purpose, which is to support your company's marketing activities. Some examples of microsites are:

  • Blog Microsites: These are specialized blog projects that showcase your business knowledge and niche authority. They reflect your basic brand image, but are located on a different URL than your Homepage.
  • Infographic microsites: Infographics can act as microsites, as long as they function beyond the main navigation of your website. They serve as an interesting way to draw attention to a relevant topic in your industry.
  • Marketing campaign microsites: Campaign-based microsites can serve as a central point of contact for a specific marketing activity. This makes it easier to promote products, for example.

Why create a microsite?

There are several reasons why a company might invest in a Microsite could invest. For one, microsites give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and get a little playful with branding and marketing strategy. While standardization on your current site makes your users feel comfortable (everyone likes to find what they're looking for quickly and efficiently), it limits experimentation and creativity. A Microsite offers you the opportunity to unleash this creativity. It can also help you achieve other business goals, such as:

  • Reaching a new target audience.
  • Creating brand awareness, especially within a specific campaign.
  • Promote new user action, such as registering for an email subscription list.

When does a microsite make sense as a supplement to the main site?

Microsites are stand-alone websites that operate independently of a main website, but are still related to it. They can serve a variety of purposes, such as promoting products, events, campaigns, or specific targeting. Below are some situations where microsites are useful as a supplement to the main website, and those where they are not recommended:

Useful applications of microsites:

  1. Marketing campaigns: Microsites can be useful for time-limited or topic-specific marketing campaigns. They provide a dedicated space to provide information, offers, or interactive elements that are specific to the campaign.

Example: A mobile operator runs a special campaign for a new smartphone model and creates a Micrositewhere detailed information, offers and comparison functions for the advertised device are presented.

  1. Events: For events, conferences or trade fairs, a Microsite serve as a central source of information for participants and interested parties without cluttering the main website.

Example: A company organizes a professional conference every year and creates for each event a Microsite with information about the program, speakers, registration and accommodation options.

  1. Target group-specific content: If a company wants to address different target groups, a Microsite Provide a tailored user experience for each group.

Example: A software company has both private and business customers. It creates a Microsite for each type of customer to provide tailored information and offers.

When microsites are not useful

  1. Administrative Effort: If creating and maintaining multiple websites is too much work, it may be better to integrate the content on the main website. Microsites require additional resources and attention, which may not always be practical.

Example: A small company with limited human and financial resources has difficulties to manage multiple microsites. In this case, it would be better to consolidate the information on the main website.

  1. SEO disadvantages: Microsites can hurt the company's SEO efforts because they usually have less authority and linking than the main website. A strong main website with well-structured content can often rank better and attract more organic Traffic generate.

Example: A company has several microsites that all focus on the same topic. These microsites compete with each other for rankings instead of focusing SEO efforts on the main website.

  1. Confusion for usersIf microsites are not clearly and consistently linked to the main website and the company's brand identity, this can lead to user confusion. In such cases, it is better to integrate the content on the main website to ensure a consistent user experience and a clear brand message.

    Example: A company creates several microsites for different product lines, but they differ greatly in design and content and have no clear connection to the main website. Users are confused and cannot see how the different websites belong together. In this case, it would make more sense to present the product information in a structured and consistent way on the main website.

Overall, the decision of whether or not microsites are useful as a supplement to the main website depends on several factors, such as the purpose of the Microsite, the resources available, and the potential impact on user experience and SEO. It is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and develop a strategy that best fits the needs and goals of the business.

What are the main advantages of microsites?

1. brand awareness

Microsites are an effective way to share elements of your brand. For example, a Microsite, dedicated to the launch of a new product, will prove highly effective in raising your customers' awareness of the product and the value it can provide them.

Most marketers know that building brand awareness is the most important first step to closing a sale. As consumers become more thorough - they research and read reviews before making purchase decisions. That's why your brand presence is more important than ever for driving growth.

2. improved Topic relevance

Your SEO practices are still an integral part of your marketing strategy. To rank high in Google search, you need a user-friendly website and search-optimized content.

The right microsites tend to experience more shares on the web, which can be a huge benefit to your SEO efforts. Depending on your site - whether it's an infographic or even a blog - your users can share it on their social media networks and improve your online presence. This process , called link building, has a strong impact on your SEO.

Some companies choose to create microsites based on Keyword-Research. By integrating these highly targeted keywords and creating a Backlinks to your original website, you can drastically improve your company's SEO and outperform the competition.

3. better customer retention

It's certainly no surprise that engaged customers are more likely to win. They're more enthusiastic about your brand, which means they're not only more likely to make a purchase, but also more likely to participate in a little word-of-mouth marketing of their own. When you're on a Microsite create a fun and interactive experience, there's a chance your customers will tell their friends about the experience. This serves to generate more leads while improving your current customer satisfaction and engagement.

Advantages of microsites

Microsites have many advantages. They help companies focus their message and concentrate on the essentials. Microsites can also help increase company visibility by providing more access options to individual products and services. In addition, microsites can be an efficient and cost-effective way to promote a specific campaign or event.

Microsites disadvantages

One disadvantage of microsites is that they may not be as well known as the company's main site. It can be difficult to drive visitors to the Microsite as it is different from the main page. In addition, it can also be difficult to Microsite to update and manage.

Microsites use cases

Microsites are a useful way to promote a specific product or service. They are ideal for short-term campaigns or events, as they can be created and updated quickly. Microsites can also be a great way to drive more visitors to the main company site by linking to the main site.


An example of a Microsite is the #ShareaCoke campaign published by Coca-Cola. The campaign used a custom Microsite, to ask people to share a Coke with their name. Another example is the StarbucksMicrosite, which focused specifically on the topic of coffee. The Microsite contained interesting information about the different types of coffee and offered customers the opportunity to order their favorite coffee.

Here are 10 practical examples of microsites:

  1. Product launch:

    • Example: Apple could launch a Microsite create only for the latest iPhone model, where all the technical details, images and features are presented specifically for this model.
  2. Events & happenings:

    • Example: The Coachella music festival has a separate Microsite for ticket sales only. Here info about ticket prices, availabilities and booking details are shared.
  3. Advertising campaigns:

    • Example: Nike releases a special limited edition sneaker collection and creates a Micrositewhich tells the story behind the collection and of course also provides a direct link to purchase.
  4. Contests & Sweepstakes:

    • Example: Coca-Cola is holding a contest where customers can submit their own bottle designs. The Microsite shows the submissions and enables voting.
  5. Storytelling & Brand Experiences:

    • Example: Red Bull creates a Microsite about a special extreme sports event, with videos, interviews and background stories.
  6. Education & Enlightenment:

    • Example: A nonprofit organization creates a Microsite about the threat of plastic waste to the oceans to raise awareness and funds.
  7. Film & TV Promotion:

    • Example: Before the premiere of a new "Game of Thrones" season, there is a Microsite, which offers exclusive insights, trailers and interviews.
  8. Annual Reports & Special Projects:

    • Example: A large company like Siemens creates an interactive Microsite for their annual report, where you can click through graphics and videos.
  9. Community Building:

    • Example: A computer game manufacturer launches a Micrositewhere fans can share and rate their own game levels.
  10. Test and experimentation platform:
  • Example: Google could be a Microsite create for a new, experimental tool to gather feedback and gauge interest before deciding whether to include it in their main offering.

Because they are often temporary and have a narrowly defined goal, they can also be designed to be more risk-free and experimental than main websites. So, the next time you're thinking about a cool campaign - maybe a Microsite just the thing for you! 🌐🚀


Microsites are considered the equivalent of a pop-up restaurant in the digital marketing world. They pop up, attract attention, offer a unique experience, and often disappear once their purpose is fulfilled.

Here's my conclusion on microsites:

  1. Focused & Targeted: With a Microsite you can focus specifically on a specific topic, product or event. This is ideal for communicating a clear message. For example, a Microsite for a special summer festival, provide all relevant information, the line-up and everything visitors need to know in a compact digital package.
  2. Flexibility & Creativity: Since microsites are often not subject to the same brand guidelines as main websites, they give you the opportunity to get creative and try new things.
  3. SEO challenges: In terms of SEO, microsites can have both advantages and disadvantages. They offer you the opportunity to rank for very specific keywords. However, there is a risk that they compete with your main website and dilute the SEO potential of your main website. If you plan to work in the long term with a Microsite to rank, you should make sure that you do not compete with your main domain.
  4. Short-lived: Just like a pop-up restaurant, microsites are often short-lived. This can be useful for generating attention. But what happens after the event? It would be advisable to Microsite redirect to a relevant page of your main website after their use to get the SEO value.
  5. Costs & Resources: The setting up of a Microsite means additional effort in terms of design, content and hosting. This must fit into your budget and be worth the ROI.

In summary, microsites can be an extremely effective tool in your marketing portfolio, especially if you want to target a very specific audience. But as with all digital marketing strategies, it's important to plan carefully. Before diving into the world of microsites, think carefully about how they fit into your overall online strategy. If you do everything right, microsites could bring you significant SEO and marketing benefits.

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What is a microsite? arrow icon in accordion
A microsite is a standalone website created specifically for a company to highlight a single project or product. It can be separate from an existing website or its own domain name. A microsite has its own design, content, and can be targeted with a different audience than the main website.
Why should companies use a microsite? arrow icon in accordion
Microsites offer companies the ability to send a specific message to specific audiences. This can be used for special campaigns, product launches, events, promotions, etc. With a microsite, companies can better segment their audience and increase customer engagement.
Can microsites have their own domain? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, a microsite can have its own domain name. This is a good way to create a strong link to a specific project or product and provides more flexibility in designing and marketing a microsite.
What are the most important components of a microsite? arrow icon in accordion
The most important components of a microsite are a unique design, a clear and simple page layout, relevant content, and an optimized user interface. These elements should create a unified look and feel that is consistent with the company's branding and identity.
Can microsites be linked to other online marketing channels such as social media? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, microsites can be linked to other online marketing channels, including social media. This can help increase traffic and create a stronger connection with a specific target audience.
How long does it take to create a microsite? arrow icon in accordion
The duration depends on the complexity of the design and the amount of content on the site. Usually a microsite can be created in a couple of weeks, but some projects can take longer.
Are there any tools that can be used to create a microsite? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, there are many tools you can use to create a microsite. These include website builders like WordPress, landing page tools like Leadpages, and dedicated microsite tools.
Can I place ads on my microsite? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, it is possible to place ads on a microsite. To do this, you can place ads on your own website or turn to external advertising networks.
Can I have a microsite indexed in search engines like Google and Bing? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, microsites can be indexed in search engines. This allows search engines to find the microsite and display it in their search results.
How can I market my microsite? arrow icon in accordion
There are many ways to market a microsite. These include social media marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, search engine optimization, online advertising and much more.

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