A link hub is a website that links to several different pages, but they all have to do with a specific topic.
A Linkhub is based on the assumption that not all links are rated equally by Google. It is a website that is seen by Google as a kind of "expert". The Linkhub is linked to various pages on a particular topic. This shows that the page owner knows something about his topic, because he knows the most important topic-related websites. Google recognizes this added value and evaluates Backlinksthat originate from such link hubs are particularly high. Accordingly, link hubs are a popular method for the Link building.
Emergence of linkhubs
A Linkhub can be created by accident or on purpose. Linkhubs are created on private websites by accident. Let's say a terrarium fan links to a list of major online retailers, other private sites on the topic, and information and definitions in Wikipedia. Google recognizes that someone has intentionally selected information that might be of interest to its readers and ranks it higher accordingly.
Linkhubs can also be created by Link purchase or -rental arise. Let's say an online merchant discovers this small private terrarium website that previously only linked to non-commercial information services. He buys or rents a link from this website and will henceforth be listed in the link list or the Blogroll listed. Other online retailers and traders recognize that retailer No. 1 is listed there and also book a link. Within a short time, a list of what appears to be the top retailers is created. The original website has turned into a link hub. Since this has not happened naturally, there is a risk that this link buying practice will be noticed sooner or later and the Linkhub and the Backlinks be completely devalued.
However, link hubs can also be built intentionally with the aim of transferring all the link power and trust to another website, which is the actual target of the links. Search engine optimizers proceed as follows. A website is built up with a small amount of content and from there links to other websites relevant to the topic. This may even include links to the competition, as the Linkhub then appears "real". To strengthen the link power of the link hub itself, a little Linkbuilding for this website. Sometimes methods are used that do not comply with the Google Webmaster-guidelines, such as Link exchange, -buy or -rent. Once Google finds the page as Linkhub recognized, it will pass on its link power to the linked pages.
Devaluation of link hubs
Even the best Linkhub can be devalued if the site owner suddenly starts to include a large number of links that are not relevant to the topic. If the terrarium website now links to websites with the topics of car insurance comparison, betting, loans or cribs, etc., Google will recognize a pattern that is already known from other websites. This is indiscriminate Link exchange or paid links. Since neither of these serves the purpose of Webmaster-guidelines, the Linkhub sooner or later its importance and thus its special status in terms of better evaluation of outbound links.
Internal link hubs
A Linkhub within a website is a subpage that is particularly well linked from the outside. These are often caused by linkbaits due to viral spread in social media or the very timely addressing of a current topic. Such internal link hubs can be used to redirect link power to weaker subpages of a website. To do this, you need to link from the article in question to the subpage in question.
Relevance for search engine optimization
Real link hubs are a goldmine for SEOs because they can generate very important links with relatively little effort. Link hubs are therefore an important part of a Linkbuilding-Strategy.
For search engine optimizers, the challenge is to discover expert websites that already link to several competitors, but not yet to their own website. For such sites, the main focus should be on getting listed as well, in order to benefit from the same trust as the competitors' websites. Since such expert sites are not easy to track down, there are hub finders. These are sometimes available for free, but are often part of the big SEO suites. You can enter your competitors' sites and look for sites that link to all or some of them. This is a strong indication of the presence of a link hub.
However, before you decide to have your own website listed there, you should always check first if this website is really high authority or if it is just a low quality link exchange site.
Linkhub offers several advantages, including a simple and intuitive user interface that allows users to quickly and easily get to the information they need. In addition, it enables Linkhub The creation of a structured navigation system that improves the user experience and helps users explore a website.
A disadvantage of Linkhub is that it does not offer much flexibility to the user. Since it is a pre-built navigation system, the user is not free to choose how to navigate to a particular page. It is also not possible to create more than one level within the navigation system, so users can only view a certain number of links on a page.
Use cases
Linkhub is best suited for websites that need a simple navigation system to provide a better user experience for their users. Some examples of common use cases are online stores, websites with multiple subpages, and websites that contain a lot of content.
Link hubs are basically websites or web resources that are considered authorities in a particular niche or subject area and have many inbound and outbound high quality links. They effectively act as "central stations" for links within a specific community or industry. Here are 5 prominent examples of link hubs in the SEO context:
1. wikipedia:
Why is it a link hub?
Wikipedia is the prime example of a link hub that can be found in pretty much any industry or niche. It is a one-stop shop for information and is considered by many to be a reliable source.
Impact on SEO:
If your website is linked from Wikipedia, that's a huge Trust-boost, even if the links "nofollow" are.
2. moz blog:
Why is it a link hub?
In the field of digital marketing and SEO, Moz Blog is a real authority. Many experts stop by here for information or to link their own posts.
Impact on SEO:
A link from Moz can significantly increase your credibility in the field of SEO and give you qualified Traffic bring
3. GitHub:
Why is it a link hub?
For software developers and tech people, GitHub is a central place. Besides code, you can find discussions, tutorials and much more there.
Impact on SEO:
A link from GitHub can be valuable, especially for tech websites or software products.
4. Behance:
Why is it a link hub?
For designers and creatives, Behance is the place to showcase portfolios. It has high authority and an engaged community.
Impact on SEO:
A link from Behance can legitimize your website in the eyes of search engines and users, especially if you're in the creative sector.
5. reddit:
Why is it a link hub?
Reddit is like a giant forum with subreddits for almost every topic imaginable. Although the links are often "nofollow", the Traffic and the visibility will be enormous.
Impact on SEO:
The SEO impact is less direct, but a viral post can generate a lot of attention and possibly even Backlinks from other sides.
Of course, it is important that you use the link hub sensibly and thematically appropriate for your own website or your own content. A link hub in the wrong niche brings you little SEO-technically.
Linkhub is a versatile tool that allows users to quickly and easily get to the information they need. It is best suited for websites that need a simple navigation system to provide their users with a better user experience. Although it has some disadvantages, it still offers benefits that make it a good option to create a simple navigation system on a website.
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