What is Gray Hat SEO?
Gray Hat SEO is difficult to define. In principle, Gray Hat SEO can be thought of as a mixture of White has SEO and Black has SEO introduce. While the practices used tend not to be prohibited, they are ethically questionable and your excessive use may be penalized by Google. Grey Hat SEO is therefore much riskier than White Hat SEO. This type of SEO is used to quickly get websites high up in the SERPs to let rank.
Techniques from Grey Hat SEO are e.g.:
- High Keyword-densities and ännährendes Keyword stuffing
- Content spin
- Copy contents
- Use of old domains (Expired domains)
- Social media automation
- Personal Backlink Network (PBN)
- Hurried reviews
- external Backlinks shopping
Why should you know Grey has SEO?
Most people know the difference between White Hat SEO, Grey Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO not. Thus, many think that both certain Grey Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO Techniques actually White Hat SEO techniques are. For this reason, use them to optimize your website. After some time, Google will probably penalize your website, for example, because of unnatural patterns or link growth. To avoid these penalties, you need to understand the difference between White Hat SEO, Grey Hat & Black Hat SEO know
Does Gray has SEO help with your website ranking?
Of course, using grey hat techniques will be helpful, but if crawlers find that your site is using Grey Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO-techniques is optimized, then you can expect a penalty.
Conclusion: Avoid as much as possible the use of Grey Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO to optimize your website. Take advantage of the wide range of White Hat SEO-techniques in order to Search results to receive!
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