Backorder domain

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A backorder domain is a type of domain name that has already been registered by another user but is no longer actively used. When a user acquires an abandoned backorder domain, it becomes their own domain. Backorder domains are often used for various purposes, such as marketing businesses, creating websites, or extending an existing domain.

What makes backorder domains special?

A backorder domain is a domain that is about to expire or whose registration has been terminated by the current holder and which has subsequently been pre-ordered by a person or company to be automatically registered after the current registration expires. The process of pre-ordering such a domain is referred to as "backordering". The goal of backordering is to secure an interesting or valuable domain as soon as it becomes available, without having to manually track the expiration of the domain and the exact time it will be released.

Backorder domains are often those that have a high value because, for example, they are a popular Keyword contain, have a short and memorable name, or already have some name recognition or traffic. When the domain expires or is terminated, other people or companies may want to use the domain for their own purposes or even resell it to make a profit.

There are various service providers that offer backorder domain services. They monitor the desired domain and try to register it on behalf of the customer as soon as it becomes available. These services usually use automated systems to handle the registration process quickly and efficiently, as there is often competition for valuable domains.

Example of a backorder domain:

Let's say you run a web design company and discover that the domain "" is about to expire. You think that this domain could be valuable for your business because it is a relevant Keyword and is easy to remember. To secure the domain as soon as it becomes available, use a backorder domain service that monitors the domain for you and tries to register it automatically as soon as it becomes available.

It is important to note that backordering a domain does not guarantee that you will actually receive the domain. Other people or companies might also try to secure the domain, or the current owner might renew his registration. In such cases, the backorder domain service may not be successful and you will have to look for alternative domains or repeat the attempt at a later date.

How does a backorder domain service work

Imagine you have your eye on a certain domain because it fits perfectly to your new project, but - crap! - it's already taken. But wait, all is not lost! Here come the Backorder domain Services come into play. But what do they do exactly? Let's take a closer look:

1. monitoring:
First of all, these services monitor a particular domain. They check if and when the domain will become available, for example, because the current owner has not renewed it.

2. automatic registration:
As soon as the domain becomes available, the backorder service tries to register it on your behalf as soon as possible. This is a real race against time, because often there are several interested parties for an attractive domain.

3rd auction:
If several people want to buy back the same domain via the same service, an auction is usually started. The highest bidder then gets the domain. Some services also start auctions when they see that a domain is particularly sought after, even if it was only ordered back by one person.

4. no warranty:
An important point is that most of these services cannot guarantee that you will actually get the domain. They only promise to do their best to grab it for you as soon as it becomes available.

A simple example to illustrate the whole thing: Imagine you really want the domain "". You go to a backorder service and say, "Hey, I want this domain as soon as it's free." The service then watches the domain and tries to grab it as soon as it's available. If they succeed, it's yours (or you have to buy it in an auction). If not, you're out of luck.

Why should you do something like that? Well, sometimes domains already have a good reputation or Backlinkswhich makes them attractive for SEO purposes. Or they just fit perfectly to your brand or idea.

So, the next time you have your eye on a perfect domain that's already taken, remember: With a Backorder domain service you might be able to get hold of them after all!

What backorder domain services are available?

Backorder domain services are specialized service providers that help their customers secure a domain that is about to expire or whose registration has been cancelled. These services monitor the desired domains and try to register them on behalf of the client as soon as they become available. Since valuable domains are often highly competitive, these services typically use automated systems and fast registration processes to give customers an advantage over other prospective buyers.

Some well-known platforms that offer backorder domain services are:

  1. SnapNames ( SnapNames is one of the most popular backorder domain providers. They offer a wide range of Domain extensionen, which can be monitored and registered when available. Customers can search for expiring or cancelled domains on the platform and add their desired domain for backordering. SnapNames also works with various domain registrars to increase the chances of success.
  2. NameJet ( NameJet is another popular provider of backorder domain services. They provide a platform where customers can add domains for backordering and track auctions for valuable domains. NameJet works closely with domain registrars and resellers to provide the best possible service to customers.
  3. ( is a backorder domain provider that specializes in securing expired and cancelled domains for their customers. They offer a user-friendly interface where customers can search for domains, place backorders, and track the status of their orders. also offers auction services for domains that are coveted by multiple customers.

Once the backorder domain service has successfully registered the domain, the customer is notified and the domain is transferred to the customer's ownership. If the service is unable to secure the domain (e.g. because another customer was faster or the current owner has renewed the registration), the customer will normally be notified and given either a refund or the option to add another domain to the backorder.


Backorder domains offer many advantages. First of all, backorder domains are cheaper than the initial registration of a domain name. In addition, they can also be used to acquire expired domains that may no longer be in active use. They can also be used to protect a business from domain jacking by securing the domain name before it expires.


The main disadvantage of using backorder domains is that they are expensive. Therefore, it is important that you carefully consider your investment before choosing a Backorder domain acquire. In addition, it can be difficult to find backorder domains because many are already registered and most registered domains are no longer abandoned.

Use cases

Backorder domain Services are a really exciting thing in the SEO world. The question is, why and when should you consider such a service? Here are some typical use cases:

1. perfect domain for your business:
Imagine you're brainstorming names for your new business and BOOM - you've found the perfect name. But crap, the domain is already taken! Before you throw everything away, you could use a backorder service to get the domain as soon as it becomes available.

2. SEO Boost:
Sometimes domains are released that already have a lot of high-quality Backlinks and a good domainAuthority-Ranking have. Taking over such a domain can give you a significant advantage in the SERPs provide.

3. protection of your brand:
Maybe you already own a strong brand and don't want someone else to grab a similar domain to capitalize on your reputation or cause confusion to your customers. This is where backorder services can help you secure such domains before someone else does.

4. investment & resale:
Some people have a good sense of which domains might be valuable in the future. They use backorder services to grab such domains and resell them later for a profit.

5. missed overtime:
You'd be surprised how often this happens. Someone forgets to renew their domain, and before you know it, it's gone. If this happens to a domain you've always wanted, now's your chance!

6. burst projects:
There are many domains registered for projects that never got off the ground. After a while, the owner gives up on them. This is where backorder services can help you grab such "sleeping giants" before someone else does.

To illustrate, imagine you're a sneakerhead and you're into limited edition sneakers. A backorder service is kind of like having someone camped out in front of the store trying to grab the first pair of sneakers as soon as they come out. Except in this case, it's about domains, not shoes!

So, whether you're looking for a great domain for your business, want to spice up your SEO strategy or are just looking for a smart investment opportunity -. Backorder domain Services could be just the thing for you!


Backorder domains are a great way to obtain domain names that are already registered, or to protect an existing domain from domain jacking. Although they are more expensive than registering a domain name for the first time, they can be a cost-effective way to market a business or expand an existing domain. Therefore, backorder domains are a very useful option for those who are looking for a specific domain name.

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What is a backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
A backorder domain is a service that allows you to purchase a domain that has already been registered by another user but is not actively used. The service allows the user to acquire the domain name at the owner's request when it is no longer wanted.
How does a backorder domain work? arrow icon in accordion
A backorder domain works by the user submitting a request to a backorder service provider, who will then attempt to acquire the domain name if the current owner releases it. When the owner releases the domain name, the backorder service provider will register the domain and notify the user so that he can use his domain.
What are the advantages of a backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
The main advantage of a backorder domain is that you can get a domain that is otherwise unavailable. If you want to have a certain domain name, but it has already been registered by another user, you can use the backorder service to try to acquire the domain name when the current owner is no longer using it.
What are the costs associated with a backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
The costs for a backorder domain vary depending on the provider. As a rule, costs are incurred for the backorder request, even if the domain name cannot be purchased. Additionally, costs may be incurred if the domain name can be purchased, such as the costs for domain registration.
What happens if several people request a backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
If several people request a backorder domain, the requests are usually processed in the order in which they are received. If several people request the same domain name, the backorder service provider will notify the user who made the request first. If the user confirms the request, he will receive the domain name when the current owner releases it.
Is there any guarantee that I will get the domain name when I request a backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
No, there is no guarantee that the domain name can be acquired when you request a backorder domain. The backorder service provider can try to acquire the domain name if the current owner releases it, but it is not guaranteed.
Can I cancel my backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, you can cancel your backorder domain at any time. You just need to contact the backorder service provider and tell them about your request.
Can I rename my backorder domain after purchase? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, you can rename your backorder domain after purchase. You just need to contact the backorder service provider and tell them your new domain name.
Can I sell my backorder domain? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, you can sell your backorder domain anytime you want. You just need to contact the backorder service provider and tell them about your request.
Can I rename or sell my backorder domain for free? arrow icon in accordion
No, you usually have to pay fees to rename or sell your backorder domain. The fees vary depending on the backorder service provider.

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