Structured data testing

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Understanding the structured data

Structured data is a crucial element for the Search engine optimization (SEO) and are used to help search engines such as Google better understand and interpret the content of a website. By using structured data, important information on a website can be highlighted, which can lead to better visibility in search results.

Structured data is essentially additional information that is embedded directly into the HTML code of a website. This data is provided with special mark-ups to tell search engines what type of content can be found on the page. This enables search engines to better understand the content and, for example Rich snippets in the search results.

Why is structured data important for SEO?

The use of structured data has many advantages for search engine optimization. Here are some reasons why structured data is important:

  1. Visibility: Structured data can help a website to stand out in search results by Rich snippets are displayed. These snippets contain additional information such as ratings, star ratings, prices and much more, which attracts the attention of users.
  2. RelevanceHighlighting the relevant information on a web page allows search engines to better understand the content and display more relevant search results.
  3. Improved click rate: Rich snippets can help improve the click-through rate of a website by providing additional information that appeals to users.
  4. Better user experience: Structured data can help users find the information they need faster, which improves the user experience.

Overall, structured data can have a huge impact on a website's visibility and performance in search results, so it's important to understand it and use it correctly.

Definition of structured data

Structured data is a method of organizing and tagging information on websites to help search engines like Google better understand and correctly display the content.

With structured data, different types of information such as product details, events, recipes and much more can be marked in a specific and standardized way. This information is then stored as "Rich snippets" in the search results, which can improve the visibility and click value of a website.

Why is structured data important for SEO?

Structured data plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) as it helps search engines to better understand the content of a website and provide relevant information to users. By implementing structured data correctly, a website is more likely to rank higher in search results.

Examples of types of structured data

There are various ways to mark up structured data. The best known include schema markup and JSON-LD.

Types of structured data Description
Schema markup A structured data format that is embedded directly in the HTML code of a website. It uses specific tags and attributes to identify data and its meaning for search engines.
JSON-LD A JavaScript-based format for labeling structured data. JSON-LD allows structured data to be linked to the content of a website by using specific "script" tags.

How can structured data be checked?

Various tools can be used to ensure that structured data is implemented correctly and recognized by search engines. The Google Search Console is a popular tool that helps website owners monitor the performance of their websites in search results and identify potential issues with structured data.

In addition to the Google Search Console, other tools are also available to check and validate structured data, such as the Google Rich Results Test and the Structured Data Testing Tool from Google. These tools allow users to check their structured data for possible errors and problems.

The importance of structured data for SEO

Structured data plays a crucial role in the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website. The use of structured data enables search engines such as Google to better understand the content of a website and display relevant information in a more targeted manner.

By using structured data, search engines can better categorize and interpret the content of a website. This makes it easier for search engines to place the website appropriately in the search results and display it for relevant search queries. As a result, the organic Traffic on the website can be increased.

Another advantage of using structured data is that it is possible to display Rich snippets. Rich snippets are extended search results that display additional information about a search result. These can be, for example, rating stars, prices or menus. By displaying Rich snippets more users can become aware of the website, which leads to a higher click-through rate.

Types of structured data

There are different types of structured data that can be used to better organize the information on a website and help search engines better understand the content. Here are some of the most common types of structured data:

1. scheme mark-up: Schema markup is a markup language that is used to insert structured data into the HTML code of a website. It enables search engines to recognize and display specific information such as product reviews, prices or event data.

2 JSON-LD: JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data and is a method for inserting structured data in JSON format into the HTML code of a website. It makes it easier to integrate and update structured data.

The use of structured data helps search engines to better understand and display information on the website. This can improve both the visibility and the Relevance of the website in the search results.

Scheme mark-up

Schema markup is a structured data markup that is used to identify information on a website and make it easier for search engines to understand. It is a special type of structured data that can be written in microdata, RDFa or JSON-LD formats.

Schema markup can be used to highlight important information such as company contacts, reviews, product features, events and much more. This structured data helps search engines to better understand the content of a website and thus deliver more relevant search results for users.

Schema markup uses a series of standardized Schema types and Propertiesto describe different types of content. A schema type defines the category of a page or part of a page, e.g. a product page or an event page. The properties describe specific characteristics of the content, such as the product name, weight or price.

Advantages of schema markup:

  • Improved visibility in search results: If a website uses schema markup, additional information such as ratings, star ratings, event dates and much more can be displayed in the search results. This increases user attention and improves the click-through rate.
  • Better understanding of the content: Schema markup allows search engines to better interpret the content of a web page and provide more relevant search results. This can help the website to rank better in search results.
  • Better indexing: Schema markup helps search engines to better understand the layout and structure of a website. This allows pages to be indexed more efficiently, which leads to better visibility in search results.


Structured data in the form of JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), information on a website can be structured and presented in a machine-readable format. JSON-LD is one of the methods used to implement schema markups and is preferred by search engines such as Google.

Query of structured data

If you have implemented structured data on your website, you may want to check that it is displayed correctly and recognized by search engines. Querying structured data allows you to find out and ensure that your data is interpreted correctly.

There are various ways to query structured data. One option is to use the Google Search Console. In the Search Console, you can verify your website and then check the structured data reports. These reports will tell you whether Google has recognized and interpreted your structured data.

In addition to the Google Search Console, there are also other tools that you can use to check your structured data. One example is Google's Structured Data Test. With this tool you can perform a URL and check whether the structured data has been implemented correctly. The tool also shows you which problems may need to be rectified.

Another useful tool is Google's Rich Results Test. With this tool, you can check how your structured data is displayed in the search results. This is particularly helpful to ensure that your data is displayed as you intend.

In summary, you can use the various query tools to ensure that your structured data has been implemented correctly and can be interpreted by search engines. Through regular review and optimization, you can ensure that your data is used optimally and gives you advantages in the area of SEO.

Use of Google Search Console

The use of Google Search Console is an important step for testing and checking structured data on a website.

With Google Search Console, you can monitor the performance of your website in the search results, identify errors and improve indexing. If you have implemented structured data on your website, you can use the Search Console to check whether it is correctly recognized and interpreted by Google.

To check the structured data in Google Search Console, you should follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Google Search Console and select your website.
  2. Click on "Extensions" and then on "Structured data".
  3. Check the reports and errors related to the structured data of your website.
  4. Use the rich search test to check and test individual URLs.

With Google Search Console, you can not only check that your structured data has been implemented correctly, but also identify and fix issues to ensure that Google interprets it correctly. In addition, you can monitor and optimize the performance of your structured data to achieve better search results.

Other tools for querying structured data

Aside from using Google Search Console, there are other tools that can help you review and query your structured data. Here are some examples:

  • Structured Data Testing Tool from Google: This tool allows you to test your structured data directly and provides you with detailed information about errors or warnings.
  • Juicy SEO Tools Structured Data Testing Tool: This tool offers similar functions to Google's and allows you to check and validate your structured data.
  • Rich Results Test from Google: This tool has been specially developed to help you check the rich results of your website generated by structured data.

It is always advisable to use several tools to ensure that your structured data is error-free and can be interpreted correctly by search engines. By regularly reviewing and updating your structured data, you can ensure that it always meets current requirements and supports your SEO efforts.

Test and validate structured data

Testing and validating structured data is an important step to ensure that it is implemented correctly and interpreted correctly by search engines. Through testing and validation, potential errors or inaccuracies can be identified and corrected in order to improve the visibility and the quality of the data. Ranking in the search results.

Guidelines for testing structured data:

  • Check the syntax and structure of your structured data to ensure that it complies with standards and guidelines.
  • Make sure that the structured data matches the content of your website and contains relevant information.
  • Test the structured data on different pages of your website to ensure that it is implemented consistently and correctly.
  • Pay attention to error messages and warnings during the test process and rectify them to ensure optimum performance.

Tools for testing and validating structured data:

Tool Description
Google Structured Data Test Enables testing of structured data according to Google guidelines. Displays errors, warnings and a preview of the snippet.
Google Search Use Google search to check your website with structured data. Enter the command "" followed by a search term to display the results with structured data.
Other tools There are also other third-party tools that enable the testing and validation of structured data, such as the SEO Sitecheck or the Structured Data Linter.

Overall, it is important to regularly test and validate structured data to ensure that it is implemented correctly and produces the desired results in search results.

Guidelines for testing structured data

When testing structured data, certain guidelines should be followed to ensure that the data is implemented correctly and can be recognized by search engines. Here are some important guidelines you should follow:

  1. Use valid structured data: Make sure that the structured data used complies with the guidelines of the respective markup.
  2. Test on different platforms: Check your structured data on different devices and platforms to make sure it displays correctly everywhere.
  3. Check the syntax: Make sure that the syntax of your structured data is correct and does not contain any errors. Incorrect syntax can result in the data not being recognized by search engines.
  4. Ensure completeness: Make sure that all relevant information is included in the structured data. Incomplete or incorrect implementation can lead to a poor user experience.
  5. Regularly check the data: Regularly review your structured data to ensure that it is always correct and up-to-date. Changes to your website or content may make it necessary to update the structured data.

Important tools for testing and validating structured data are:

Tool Description
Google Structured Data Test Tool A free online tool from Google that you can use to test and validate your structured data. It also shows you possible errors and suggestions for improvement.
Google Rich Results Test This tool from Google allows you to optimize your websiteURL and see how Google interprets your structured data. It also shows you whether your website is suitable for rich results.
W3C Markup Validation Service An online tool for validating HTML markup. It can also be used to check the syntax of your structured data and identify possible errors.

By following these guidelines and using verification and validation tools, you can ensure that your structured data is implemented correctly and could be recognized by search engines. This can lead to better visibility of your website in search results.

Tools for testing and validating structured data

With the increasing importance of structured data for SEO, it is crucial that website operators check their data for errors and invalid markup implementations. Various tools are available to facilitate the testing and validation of structured data.

  • Google Structured Data Testing Tool: Google's official tool enables website operators to test structured data and identify validation errors. It offers a detailed analysis and shows possible problems.
  • Validator: This tool checks whether the markup used complies with the guidelines and standards. It helps to identify incorrect or invalid implementations.
  • Rich Results Testing Tool: This tool can be used to test whether structured data is interpreted correctly and displayed as rich results in the search results. It enables a preview of how the data is displayed in the SERPs appear.

Advantages of using these tools:

With the tools mentioned above, website operators can quickly and effectively check their markup code to ensure that it complies with the guidelines and does not contain any validation errors. This has several advantages:

Advantage Description
Fast error detection: The tools make it possible to quickly identify errors and problems in the markup code so that they can be rectified quickly.
Improve visibility: Properly implemented structured data can help web pages appear as rich results in search results, which can increase visibility and click-through rates.
Better understanding of the interpretation: Website operators can use the tools to check how their structured data is interpreted by search engines in order to identify and rectify potential problems.

By using these tools regularly, website operators can ensure that their structured data is implemented correctly and supports SEO efforts.

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Question: What is structured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Structured data is information or data that is organized in a specific and predetermined way, allowing it to be searched and analyzed easily and efficiently.
Question: How is structured data tested? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Structured data is tested by checking data integrity, completeness, accuracy and consistency.
Question: Which tools are used for testing structured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Many different tools can be used, including data validation tools, data analysis tools and database management systems such as SQL.
Question: Why is it important to test structured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: It is important to test structured data to ensure that it is accurate, complete and error-free. This is important for the performance of business processes and decisions based on this data.
Question: What is a data integrity test? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: A data integrity test is a process that verifies that the data is unaltered and that the value of the data is maintained throughout its lifecycle, through the process of input, processing and storage.
Question: What are the challenges of testing structured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Challenges can include large data volumes, possible errors in data transmission, data integrity problems and long test durations.
Question: What is the difference between testing structured and unstructured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Structured data is organized and therefore easy to analyze and test. Unstructured data, on the other hand, is chaotic and requires special tools and methods to analyze and test it.
Question: What is data validation in the context of structured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Data validation is the process of checking the accuracy and quality of data before processing and analyzing it.
Question: What is a data anomaly and how does it affect the testing of structured data? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: A data anomaly is a pattern in the data that deviates from the expected pattern. Anomalies can indicate possible errors or problems in the data and make it necessary to analyze and test the data in more detail.
Question: How can the efficiency of testing structured data be improved? arrow icon in accordion
Answer: Efficiency can be improved by using specialized tools and automating tests. It is also important to define clear test objectives and ensure good test data management.

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