Sitewide links

Sitewide links
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What is Sitewide Links


Sitewide links are a special type of hyperlink that refer to all pages of a website. They allow users to quickly and easily access general information and browse it on the page. Sitewide links are usually accessed from the main menu on the website and are usually displayed right at the sidebar.


Sitewide links offer many advantages for web designers and users. They are an easy way to store links to all pages of a website and navigate on a single page. This allows users to quickly and easily switch between pages without having to navigate back and forth between different pages. They can also help to improve the Traffic on a website by enabling users to find what they are looking for faster.


One disadvantage of using Sitewide links is that they can make the page cluttered if used too often. Too many links on a page can also tempt users to skip pages that might interest them. In addition, they can Sitewide links cause certain pages not to load or not to be accessed because they do not have a sitewide link.

Use cases

Sitewide links are best for pages with many subpages that are difficult for users to browse. It's also a good solution for pages where users frequently navigate back and forth between pages. Sitewide links are also very useful when page content is updated regularly, as they allow users to quickly switch between these pages.


An example of the use of Sitewide links is an online store website. On this website you can Sitewide links can be used in the sidebar to give users easy access to categories such as products, promotions, and blogs. Another example is a news page, where Sitewide links can be used to help users access the various subject areas, such as politics, sports and entertainment.


Sitewide links are a useful tool for giving users easy access to a variety of pages on a website. They can help users get to the information they're looking for faster and can improve the Traffic on a website. However, they can also cause some pages not to load because they do not have a sitewide link. Therefore, it is important to increase the number of Sitewide links to ensure that all pages of a website are visible.

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What are sitewide links? arrow icon in accordion
Sitewide links are links that can be found on every page of a website. These include links to the main menu, home page, contact information, sitemaps, masthead, and more. These links help visitors find their way around the site and are an important part of search engine marketing.
How is a sitewide link different from a normal link? arrow icon in accordion
A normal link is inserted on a specific page, while a sitewide link is found on every page of the website. Normally, most pages on a website are linked from the navigation at the top or bottom of the page, which means that the link is visible when the visitor is on the page. A sitewide link, on the other hand, is always in the same place on every page, whether the visitor is on the homepage, product page or contact page.
Why are sitewide links important? arrow icon in accordion
Sitewide links are important because they allow visitors to find their way around the website and they are also an important part of search engine marketing. Using sitewide links can improve a website's SEO performance, as search engines assign more relevance to pages that are also internally linked.
How are sitewide links created? arrow icon in accordion
Sitewide links are usually created using HTML code on the website. This HTML code contains a link to each page on the website. Once the pages are created, they can be linked in the navigation on the website or in a footer link menu. There are also some CMS systems that simplify the creation of sitewide links.
How many sitewide links can a website have? arrow icon in accordion
There is no set number of sitewide links that a website can have. How many links you have depends on how many pages you have on your site and what links you want to have. However, it is important that you only use links to relevant pages and that you limit the number of links to achieve better performance.
Can Sitewide Links Contribute to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, sitewide links can have a positive impact on a website's SEO performance. Search engines use pages that are internally linked as an indicator of relevance and are ranked higher in the SERP. Also, good internal linking can help keep visitors on the site.
Which existing pages should be linked? arrow icon in accordion
There are some pages that should be linked on every website for good usability and better SEO performance. These include pages like the home page, contact page, sitemap, imprint and company page. It is also important that all product pages are internally linked to allow visitors to easily navigate through the pages.
Can sitewide links hurt my website? arrow icon in accordion
Sitewide links can harm your website only if they link to undesirable pages like spam pages. If you use links to pages that are not relevant, you can worsen your SEO performance and lose the search engines' trust in your website. Therefore, it is important to add links to high-quality pages only.
Are there any tools to help me create sitewide links? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, there are many tools that can help you create and manage sitewide links on your website. Some of these tools include Google Analytics, Yoast SEO, Moz Link Builder, and Screaming Frog. These tools will help you add and manage links so you can make sure your pages are linking well internally.
How long does it usually take to create sitewide links? arrow icon in accordion
It depends on how many pages you have on your site and how many links you want on each page. If you only want a few links on a page, this can be done in a few minutes. Otherwise, it may take a few hours or even days to get all the links created and linked.

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