SILO structure

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What is SILO structure

The Silo-Structure is an SEO technique that helps to improve the search ranking of your blog. When a Search Engine enters a query, it will receive the results. So, if we have written more than one post on the topic of the search term and link them together properly, our post will be seen in the eyes of the Search Engine well ranked.

Silo architecture is a system of information architecture that organizes content into groups that focus on a specific topic in the Sitemap of a website.

Types silo structure

There are two types of content silos:

- Physical content silos

- Virtual content silos

Physical SILO content

In a physical silo, you create categories using folders in the URL structure of your website. The folder structure shows your visitors and Google how your content is organized.

Virtual SILO content

Virtual silo content is a category that you create by linking to a web page internally. With virtual silo content, there is usually a tier 2 page that serves as the category page. Instead of categorizing the posts in your site's directory into silos, you link only the posts/pages within the silos to show search engines that there is a strong connection between the posts/pages. Every page within a silo is linked to every other page in the same silo.

How to implement silo structure SEO?

To set up a virtual silo structure, you must ensure that each silo has one category post and at least five supporting posts. The category post links to all the supporting pages, and all the supporting pages are linked to the category posts in some way. The supporting pages should be linked to each other. You can do this by creating a navigation list at the bottom of each page with links to other pages in the same silo.

If your category entry has a specific Keyword that you want to rank well for, you need to include this Keyword also use in your side posts.

If you need to link between two different silos, create an outbound link to the other silos on the category page.

Don't link supporting posts to supporting posts on another category page, as this would undermine the all-encompassing nature of SEO'sSilo structure would interfere. You have to make sure that as many links as possible stay within the virtual silos.


The use of a SILO structure can have various advantages for the Search engine optimization offer. One of the main benefits is that it helps search engine algorithms better understand and categorize content. It also helps search engines to better understand the Relevance and understand the connections between different pages to improve user experience and search engine friendliness.

Other advantages of SEO silo structures:

  1. Improved user experience: A well-structured website is easier for users to navigate and understand. This means they stay on the site longer and are more likely to recommend it to others.
  2. Better Ranking in the search engines: Search engines prefer websites that are well structured and provide relevant content for users. An SEO Silo structure can help your website to be found better in Google's search results.
  3. Improved link structure: One SEO Silo structure can help to distribute links better within the website. This means that important pages such as the home page or important product pages receive more link juice from other pages within the website. This in turn can help them rank better in Google's search results.
  4. Easier management of large websites: If you have a large website with many pages and content, it can be difficult to keep everything organized. An SEO Silo structure can help you keep track and easily see which pages belong to which categories.


Some of the disadvantages associated with the use of a SILO structure are that it is sometimes difficult to find a suitable structure that meets the requirements of search engines.

Another disadvantage is that it can sometimes be difficult to adjust the structure according to the constantly changing search engine algorithms. Moreover, it can also be difficult to manage the structure, as it can be quite complex, but at the same time it needs to be easy to handle.

Use cases

SILO structures can be used for different types of websites, including E-commerce-websites, blogs, news sites, information sites, and more. They can be used to help search engines categorize content more efficiently, which in turn helps them rank better. They can also be used to organize content and help users access relevant content.

Example 1: Online store

An example of the use of a SILO structure SEO is essential for a E-commerce-Website. This can be used to organize and link different product categories to help search engines understand the link between pages and help users access relevant content.

Example 2: Blog

Another example of the use of a SILO structure SEO is at a blog. In this case, the structure can be used to organize and link different articles and posts in different categories to help search engines identify the Relevance and understand the connections between pages.

9 more examples of an SEO silo structure:

  1. Blog categories and subcategories: A website with a blog might have categories such as travel, finance, and health, which are in turn divided into subcategories such as vacation plans, money saving, and fitness.
  2. Geographic Locations: A website for a local service such as a restaurant or cleaning company could have categories for different cities or regions.
  3. Serviceservices: A website for a professional service such as a law firm or a Agency could have categories for different services, e.g. tax consulting, real estate law or marketing.
  4. Information Resources: A website with informative content could have categories for different topics, e.g. history, art or science.
  5. Industries: A website for an industrial company could have categories for different industries, such as mechanical, electrical, or construction.
  6. Event types: A website for an eventagency Could have categories for different event types, such as weddings, corporate events, or birthdays.
  7. Food types: A website for a grocery chain might have categories for different types of food, such as fruits, vegetables, or meats.
  8. Educational Levels: A website for an educational institution could have categories for different levels of education, such as elementary school, middle school, or high school.
  9. Sports: A website for a sports outfitter might have categories for different sports, such as soccer, tennis, or golf.

WordPress: Implement silo structure

In the WordPress you can create a Silo structure implement in different ways, depending on how the website is structured and what kind of content is present. Some possibilities are:

  1. Use categories and subcategories: WordPress has a built-in category system that allows you to divide posts into categories and subcategories. You can organize posts into parent categories and use subcategories to group similar or thematically related content together.
  2. Use custom post types and taxonomies: WordPress lets you create custom post types and taxonomies to organize content in specific ways. For example, you can create custom post types for products, services, or team members, and use taxonomies to group them by categories or characteristics.
  3. Use plugins: There are many WordPress plugins that allow you to create a Silo structure on your website. Some plugins allow you to organize content in different ways, such as by color, size or price. Other plugins allow you to create a Silo structure with custom taxonomies and menus.
  4. Use menus: WordPress has a built-in menu system that allows you to create and organize menus. You can create menus based on categories, subcategories or custom post types to organize your Silo structure support. This helps to improve navigation on your website and make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.
  1. Use internal linking: An important component of a Silo structure Is internal linking. Link your posts and pages within your website to create connections between thematically related content and make navigation easier. You can also use plugins that automatically link similar content to improve user experience.

It is important to note that the implementation of a Silo structure in WordPress takes time and effort, and it may require adjustments to your site or the use of plugins. It's also important to regularly review the structure and make sure it still meets the needs of your visitors and your SEO goals.

Typical mistakes when creating a silo structure

When implementing a Silo structure there can be some typical mistakes that can affect the user experience and hurt SEO. Here are some common mistakes and tips on how to avoid them:

  1. Unclear Silos: A common mistake when implementing a Silo structure is that the silos are not clearly defined or that they are not well organized. To avoid this, make sure that each silo has a clear theme and that the content it contains fits well together.
  2. Insufficient internal linking: An important component of a Silo structure is the internal linking. If internal linking is not implemented properly, it can be difficult to make the connections between silos and make navigation easy. To avoid this, make sure that each silo is well linked and that it is easy to navigate from one silo to another.
  3. Overlapping silos: Another common mistake is that silos overlap and content is contained in multiple silos. This can be confusing and make navigation difficult. To avoid this, make sure that each post or page is contained in only one silo and that there is no overlap.
  4. No clear hierarchy: Incorrect structure of silos can make it difficult to understand the hierarchy of the content. To avoid this, you should ensure that the silos are organized in a logical hierarchy and that it is clear which silos are parent and which are child.
  5. Ignore the SEO: A Silo structure can also improve SEO, but if not implemented properly, it can have the opposite effect. To avoid this, you should make sure that each silo has a unique and descriptive URL has that they are well linked, and that the internal linking supports the hierarchy.

It is important to note that the implementation of a Silo structure is a process and not just a one-time action. After the structure is implemented, you should regularly review it and make sure it still meets the needs of your visitors and your SEO goals. It's also important to keep the user experience in mind whenever you make changes and make sure the navigation is intuitive and easy to understand.


SILO structure SEO is a useful technique that can help search engines better understand and categorize content. It can also help improve search engine rankings by making it easier for search engines to understand and process pages. It can be used for different types of websites to help search engines understand the connections between pages and help users access relevant content. However, it is important to adapt the structure according to the ever-changing search engine algorithms.

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What is a silo page? arrow icon in accordion
Silos are basically a way to divide the content of your website into categories. The more thematically relevant content you cover in a silo, the more relevant your website will be in Google's eyes.
What are the advantages of the silo structure for SEO? arrow icon in accordion
Silo structures help produce your content. Content creation is the most effective SEO approach, used by 72 percent of Internet businesses. Consequently, the structure of your website is critical to the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts. Siloed design has several SEO benefits.
How to create content silo pages in WordPress? arrow icon in accordion
Create silo content (in-depth content) on a WordPress site. It should target a specific keyword (possibly with high competition). Now add internal links to all the posts below it in the silo pages. Add the links to the main silo pages you created on the homepage via the navigation or sidebar.

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