Relative URL

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What is Relative URL


A relative URL is a URL-path that describes the position of a resource relative to its current location. It can be used to point to another resource on the same server or in a similar directory.


Relative URLs are easier to understand and read. They are also shorter than absolute URLs and require less typing. In addition, they are easier to update and change because they are not tied to a specific hostname.


Relative URLs can become invalid when the server is changed. If a link points to a relative URL it can be difficult to find the link if the structure of the server has changed.

Use cases

Relative URLs are commonly used in web applications where the host name changes frequently, such as web applications running on different platforms. Relative URLs are also useful when linking to a resource on the same server or in a similar directory structure.


An example of a relative URL is "/images/companylogo.jpg", which means that the image is located in the current directory in a subdirectory called "images". Another example is "../about.html". This means that the specified HTML file is located in the parent directory.


Relative URLs can be a useful and flexible way to create references to resources on the same server or in similar directories. They are easier to understand and read than absolute URLs, but require more care when updating and modifying them because they can become invalid if the server changes.

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What is a relative URL? arrow icon in accordion
A relative URL is a URL that specifies only the relative path to the requested object. Unlike absolute URLs, which specify the full path to an object, a relative URL contains only the information needed to locate the requested object based on the current context.
How does a relative URL differ from an absolute URL? arrow icon in accordion
An absolute URL contains all the information necessary to identify a requested resource, including the protocol, server name, and path to the resource. A relative URL contains only the information necessary to locate the requested object based on the current context.
Why do we use relative URLs? arrow icon in accordion
Relative URLs can reduce the number of characters in the URL, which is helpful when transferring and processing files. They can also make link maintenance easier because they always adapt to the context.
What are the types of relative URLs? arrow icon in accordion
There are three main types of relative URLs: relative path URLs, relative directory URLs, and relative source URLs. Relative path URLs specify the path from the current directory to a resource. Relative directory URLs specify the path from the current directory to a subdirectory. Relative source URLs specify the path from the current resource to another resource.
How do relative path URLs and relative directory URLs differ? arrow icon in accordion
Relative path URLs specify the path from the current directory to a resource. Relative directory URLs specify the path from the current directory to a subdirectory.
How do relative path URLs and relative source URLs differ? arrow icon in accordion
Relative path URLs specify the path from the current directory to a resource. Relative source URLs specify the path from the current resource to another resource.
Can relative URLs be useful in search engine optimization? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, relative URLs can be useful in search engine optimization. Since they contain fewer characters, they can help the page content to be indexed and crawled more easily.
How can I avoid relative URLs? arrow icon in accordion
The best way to avoid relative URLs is to use absolute URLs. Absolute URLs specify the full path to an object, which avoids the risk of a browser loading the wrong resource.
What is a custom path? arrow icon in accordion
A custom path is a type of relative URL where the path components are defined individually. This allows you to create a URL that is customized to a specific context.
How to improve the effectiveness of relative URLs? arrow icon in accordion
To improve the effectiveness of relative URLs, make sure that the URL structure is easy to understand and that it is unique. You should also try to keep the number of characters in the URL as low as possible to optimize transfer times.

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