Not Provided

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What is Not Provided


Not Provided (also known as "Not Set") is a term that refers to the status of search engine queries that a website visitor makes. When a website visitor makes a query via a Search Engine accesses a website, the search engine log normally delivers the user's search query to the website owner. However, if the user specifies the search query parameter "not provided", the search query parameter is not transmitted to the website owner.


Not Provided provides users with additional anonymity and privacy. Since the search query is not transmitted, those who have access to the website can no longer see what the user searched for. This is a significant advantage for users who do not want their query details to be made public.


Not Provided can make it difficult for website owners to examine the search queries that users use to find their website. Since the search query is not transmitted to the website owner, they cannot analyze the search queries to understand what users are searching for.

Use cases

Not Provided is typically used by search engines like Google to protect website visitors from disclosing their search queries. It is also used by other web services such as social media platforms and email providers to provide more privacy to users.

2 detailed examples

Example 1: A user has searched for a specific product via Google. To protect their data, the user has set the search parameter "Not Provided" is specified. In this case, the user's search query is not transmitted to the website owner.

Example 2: A user wants to send an email to a friend. If the email platform supports it, the user can use the search parameter "Not Provided" to protect his email address from the public.


Not Provided is a useful tool that provides users with additional anonymity and privacy. It is used by search engines and other web services to provide more privacy to users. However, it can be difficult for website owners to investigate search queries because no information is submitted.

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What is "Not Provided"? arrow icon in accordion
Not Provided is a term used to display the keywords that a website visitor used to find the website. However, Google encodes these keywords so that they are not visible. Thus, it is not possible to see the keywords that a visitor has used to access a website.
Why does Google use the term "Not Provided"? arrow icon in accordion
Google encrypts these keywords to ensure that the privacy of the users is protected. By encrypting the keywords, Google can ensure that users' personal data does not fall into the wrong hands.
When is Not Provided used? arrow icon in accordion
Not Provided is used when a visitor navigates through a website to another website that is accessible through the Google network. For this reason, Not Provided is often used in searches on the Google network.
What does it mean when I see "Not Provided" in my analysis reports? arrow icon in accordion
If you see "Not Provided" in your analytics reports, it means that the keywords the visitor used to find your website are scrambled. This means that you will not be able to see the keywords that the visitor used to access your website.
What percentage of searches show as "Not Provided"? arrow icon in accordion
The proportion of search queries that are displayed as "Not Provided" varies depending on the industry and search network. Currently, the proportion of "Not Provided" search queries on Google is around 90%.
Can I ignore "Not Provided" in my analysis? arrow icon in accordion
It is not advisable to ignore "Not Provided" in your analysis, as it is important to understand which keywords your visitors are using to access your website. Instead, you should try to understand your visitors' behavior in other ways, such as tracking bounce rates or analyzing search queries in organic results.
Can I prevent my keywords from being displayed as "Not Provided"? arrow icon in accordion
No, it is not possible to prevent your keywords from being displayed as "Not Provided". Google encodes the keywords so that they are not visible.
How can I learn more about my visitors and their search queries? arrow icon in accordion
To learn more about your visitors and their search queries, it's a good idea to analyze organic search results and bounce rates. You can also try to learn more about how visitors get to your website by running a search engine advertisement.
Can the searches be determined by Not Provided in any other way? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, you can try to find out the search queries by using tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics and other tools. These tools can help you learn more about your visitors and their search queries.
What are the benefits of the Not Provided term? arrow icon in accordion
One of the advantages of the Not Provided term is that it protects users' privacy by preventing personal data from falling into the wrong hands. Besides, it can help understand the website's traffic by letting you learn more about the visitors and their search queries.

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