Meta keywords

Meta keywords
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What is Meta Keywords


Meta keywords are keywords that are assigned to a document, page, or article. They are usually included in the meta tags of an HTML document. They are used by search engines to identify and categorize a website or article. While Meta keywords used to be an important practice for improving the Search engine optimization were, they are now no longer relevant for SEO.

How meta keywords have worked in the past

In the past, meta keywords were an important part of the Search engine optimization (SEO). Meta keywords are short, descriptive phrases or words inserted in a special meta tag in the HTML code of a web page. These keywords should summarize the main topics and focus of the page in question and help search engines find the Relevance of the page for specific search queries.

To give you an example: If a website focused on "organic apple juice", the meta keywords for that page could be "organic apple juice, natural apple juice, healthy apple juice". Search engines such as Google would then use these meta keywords to display the page in the search results when users search for these terms.

However, over time there have been problems with the use of meta keywords as a ranking factor:

  1. Keyword stuffing: Many website operators began to use the meta-Keyword-tag by filling it with a variety of keywords that were not necessarily relevant to the content of the page. This resulted in search engines presenting pages with irrelevant content in search results, which was unsatisfactory for users.
  2. Manipulation of rankings: Since the meta keywords are included in the HTML code of the page and not in the visible content, website operators could easily manipulate their rankings by including countless keywords in the metaKeyword-tag without this being visible to the visitor.

Due to these problems and abuses, search engines, including Google, have greatly reduced the value of meta keywords as a ranking factor over time. Today, meta keywords are no longer used as a ranking factor by most search engines, including Google. Instead, search engines focus on analyzing the actual content of a page and the user experience to determine the Relevance and quality of the site for specific search queries.

Disadvantages of Meta Keywords

As already mentioned above Meta keywords no longer have any effect on search engine positioning. Moreover, they can even have a negative effect for search engines, as adding too many keywords excessively can be considered spam.

Example 1

Let's assume that you are starting a new business that deals with renting beach houses on the Baltic Sea. You want to be displayed in the search results when users search for beach houses on the Baltic Sea. In this case you can use the following Meta keywords add: "beach houses, Baltic Sea, rent, beach, vacation".

Example 2

Let us assume that you want to publish an article about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In this case you can use the following Meta keywords add: "Health, nutrition, lifestyle, sports, exercise".


In the early days of search engine optimization Meta keywords is considered an important tool to help a site rank better in search results. However, many Webmasterto abuse this tag by filling it with irrelevant or misleading keywords in order to achieve better rankings. erlangen.

Important points:

  1. Irrelevance in modern search engines: Over time, search engines, including Google, have publicly stated that they do not use the meta keywords tag due to its misuse and irrelevance. no longer for the Ranking use. This means that adding meta keywords to your website will not directly affect your Google rankings.Ranking has.
  2. Potential riskThe use of meta keywords can even be counterproductive. Competitors might check this tag to get an insight into your Keyword-strategy.
  3. Focus on more relevant SEO techniques: Instead of spending time with Meta keywords to spend, it is better to focus on proven SEO techniques, such as optimizing the Title tags, of the Meta description tags, the content, internal linking and other relevant on-page elements.

The days of the Meta keywords as a useful SEO tool are long gone. Modern search engines have evolved and rely on more advanced methods to evaluate and rank a page's content. Sticking to outdated practices like Meta keywords is not only a waste of time, but can also pose potential risks. It is recommended to focus on more up-to-date and effective SEO techniques to increase visibility and Relevance of a website.

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What are Meta Keywords? arrow icon in accordion
Meta keywords are keywords used to describe web pages and documents. They are used by search engines to provide more relevant results. These keywords are embedded in the HTML code of a web page or specified as a keyword. It is important to mention that they are now no longer considered relevant for search engine ranking.
Are meta keywords still important? arrow icon in accordion
Meta keywords are no longer a relevant part of search engine optimization.
How many meta keywords should be used? arrow icon in accordion
It is not recommended to use more than ten meta keywords. It is better to choose a few but relevant keywords and place them carefully.
Can you use too many meta keywords? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, using too many meta keywords can cause search engines to view your website as spam, which in turn can cause your site to no longer appear in search results.
What kind of keywords should you use? arrow icon in accordion
Use only relevant keywords that accurately describe what is on your web page or in your document. Avoid superfluous keywords and make sure they are carefully placed.
Can meta keywords improve the ranking of my website? arrow icon in accordion
No, meta keywords cannot directly improve the ranking of your website, as they are now no longer relevant for search engine positioning.
Can meta keywords also be used for off-page optimization? arrow icon in accordion
No, meta keywords are only relevant for onpage optimization. They are only embedded in the HTML code of a web page and can be indexed by search engine crawlers.
Can meta keywords be used as search tags? arrow icon in accordion
No, meta keywords are only relevant for onpage optimization and cannot be used as search tags.
Can meta keywords also be used in the URL? arrow icon in accordion
No, meta keywords should not be used in the URL as search engines may interpret this as spam.
Can meta keywords be used on multiple pages? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, you can use the same meta keywords on multiple pages as long as the pages have similar content.

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