Google Bombing

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What is Google Bombing

Google Bombing is one of the so-called "black hat" practices with which the Ranking of a single page or website is improved by exploiting loopholes in Google's algorithm. This involves artificially inflating the number of pages linking to a target page and over-optimizing the anchor texts for the links. This is a rather "dirty" method that is more amateurish than real SEO work. It goes without saying that we do not advocate this kind of SEO technique.

How does Google Bombing work?

Google's algorithmic calculation methods are closely guarded. However, the SEO community knows that it is the PageRank still exists, even if the Search Engine no longer announces it publicly, as was the case a few years ago. The robots take into account the popularity of the page that sets the link to determine the popularity of the target page. They also use link anchors, which are already an indication for Google about the content of the target page. So, if thousands of websites use the same anchor to indicate a page, for example, "restaurant in New York City," the Search Engine view the target page as a reference page for the search query "restaurant in New York City". In theory, this is quite simple. In practice, in 2021, robot behavior is different. Their development has the Google Bombing-effect is significantly reduced.

The most famous Google Bombing

If you've been interested in SEO for a few years, you may have heard of the "Miserable failure" search query. This is the most famous Google Bombingthat George Bush experienced in 2004. His biography, published on the official White House website, was the subject of thousands and thousands of links with the anchor "Miserable failure". Thus, the site was associated with this request.

But the first Google Bombing was started by Adam Mathes to make fun of his friend. He linked to his website with the phrase "talentless hack". Adam Mathes obviously had a pretty muddy sense of humor! Some time later, it was the movie and the query "Supersize Me" that became a reference to McDonald's, which was not exactly to the taste of the restaurant chain that was heavily criticized in this feature film. In France, it was Nicolas Sarkozy who won the prize for a Google Bombing paid, which was associated with the term "asshole of the Internet". Classy!

A notorious Google Bombing finally is related to the search query "Jew," which placed an anti-Semitic website in Google's top results.

At the time, it was a technique that could seriously damage a personality or a brand's image, and could even prove dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.

The end of Google Bombing?

In 2007, Google put a stop to these practices with a significant algorithm update. It is said that the current robots are good enough to detect fake links that are intended to harm a website. These links are then considered "spam" and are no longer considered for the SERP-Ranking considered.


Google Bombing is an outdated black-hat practice that is not only unfair, but has become ineffective. If you still believe that you are a victim of Google Bombing you can tell the Search Engine report, which will follow up.

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What is a Google bomb? arrow icon in accordion
A Google bomb (also known as a link bomb or keyword bomb) is a trick to favor a certain web page in the search results of a search engine. The concept is based on the idea that many links from external websites point to a specific page in order to favor it in the rankings.
How does a Google bomb work? arrow icon in accordion
A Google bomb consists of a network of links to a specific web page. These links are posted by various websites to increase the visibility of a particular page in search engine results. If enough external links point to a particular page, this improves its visibility in the search results lists.
What types of websites are vulnerable to Google bombs? arrow icon in accordion
Google bombs can be used for different types of websites. Most bombs are used for websites that try to become more prominent in search results. They are also often used for political campaigns or marketing campaigns.
Can I create a Google bomb on my website? arrow icon in accordion
No, it is forbidden to create a Google bomb on your website. Google detects Google bombs and removes them from search results. If you try to create a Google bomb, your website may be penalized in search results.
What are the possible consequences of creating a Google bomb? arrow icon in accordion
There can be serious consequences if you try to create a Google bomb, because Google considers it a spam activity. If you get caught, Google may remove your website from search results or even suspend your account.
Can you prevent a Google bomb? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, it is possible to prevent Google bombs by taking the right measures. You should prevent external links from pointing to your website and make sure that the links pointing to your website are relevant. You should also make sure that your website does not link to spam websites.
How can I tell if my website is the target of a Google bomb? arrow icon in accordion
There are several ways to determine if your website is the target of a Google bomb. The first step is to check the keywords associated with your website. If you see a lot of bad keywords, this can be a sign that your website is the target of a Google bomb. You can also look for links pointing to your website to see if they are from bad websites.
What can I do if I feel my website is being subjected to a Google bomb? arrow icon in accordion
There are several steps you can take if you believe your website is the target of a Google bomb. You should remove all external links pointing to your website and try to remove bad keywords. You can also try to collect links from good websites to improve your website in search results.
How long does it take for a Google bomb to take effect? arrow icon in accordion
It can take some time for a Google bomb to have its effect. It depends on how many links you use and how relevant and high quality they are. As a rule, it can take a few weeks or months for the bombs to take effect.
Is there a way to prevent Google bombs? arrow icon in accordion
There are a few ways to prevent Google bombs. First, you should prevent external links from pointing to your website. You should make sure that all links pointing to your website are relevant and come from high quality websites. You should also make sure that your website does not link to spam websites.

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