Native Lazy Loading

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What is Native Lazy Loading

1. definition

Native Lazy Loading is a technique used to shorten the loading time of web pages by loading only the requested content. In this process, the content is only displayed when the user sees it. This improves loading speed by saving resources and loading only the content that the user really needs.

2. advantages

Native Lazy Loading has a number of advantages, for example, it enables faster loading time, since only the necessary content that the user has requested is loaded. It also improves the user experience, as users only see the content they really want to see. Native Lazy Loading also increases the efficiency of the website design by saving unnecessary resources.

3. disadvantages

Native Lazy Loading also has some disadvantages, for example, it can cause unexpected errors on web pages, since the content is not loaded until the user sees it. It can also cause problems with the navigation on the web page, since the navigation cannot be loaded properly if it is not requested by the user.

4. use cases of Native Lazy Loading

Native Lazy Loading can be used in various use cases, e.g. it can be used to load images, videos or other media content only when the user requests it. It can also be used to load elaborate JavaScript-load applications that respond only to specific user actions.

5. examples

A simple example of Native Lazy Loading is the loading of images. If a web page contains many images, it can Native Lazy Loading can be used to load only the images that the user has requested. Another example is the loading of JavaScript-Applications. If a page has many JavaScript-code blocks, can Native Lazy Loading can be used to load only the code blocks that are needed for the user actions.


Native Lazy Loading is a great technique for reducing web page loading times by loading only the requested content. It offers a number of advantages, such as faster loading times, improved usability, and higher efficiency of web page design. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as unexpected errors and problems with navigation. Native Lazy Loading can be used in various applications, e.g. for loading images or elaborate JavaScript-Applications.

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What is Native Lazy Loading? arrow icon in accordion
Native lazy loading is a technique that web developers use to load images and media only as needed. This means that media is no longer loaded on page load, but only when the content becomes visible. This reduces page load time and improves performance.
How does Native Lazy Loading work? arrow icon in accordion
Native lazy loading works by using an HTML attribute called loading to load media. This attribute is specified on the media elements that are to be loaded. When the content becomes visible, the attribute is resolved and the content is loaded.
What technologies must be used to deploy Native Lazy Loading? arrow icon in accordion
To use Native Lazy Loading, several technologies must be used, including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. HTML is used to specify the loading attribute, while JavaScript and CSS are used to resolve the attribute and load the content when the content becomes visible.
What are the advantages of Native Lazy Loading? arrow icon in accordion
Native Lazy Loading offers many advantages. First of all, it reduces page loading time because media is loaded only when it is visible. In addition, Native Lazy Loading can help reduce data consumption, since less data needs to be downloaded. Finally, Native Lazy Loading can also help improve page performance by reducing the number of requested elements.
Can Native Lazy Loading be used on mobile devices? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, Native Lazy Loading can be used on all popular mobile devices. However, some devices may not support some features. Therefore, it is important to check if a device supports the necessary features before using Native Lazy Loading.
Can Native Lazy Loading also be used on web pages? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, Native Lazy Loading can be used on web pages. This is especially useful when pages contain a lot of images or other media, as Native Lazy Loading can help improve the loading time and performance of the web page.
Can Native Lazy Loading be used for videos? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, Native Lazy Loading can also be used for videos. For this, the loading attribute must be specified on the video elements so that the video is loaded only when the content becomes visible.
How is Native Lazy Loading supported in modern browsers? arrow icon in accordion
Native lazy loading is supported in most modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera. However, since the technology is still very new, some browsers may not yet support all features. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to compatibility when developing web pages.
How can developers include Native Lazy Loading in their websites? arrow icon in accordion
To include Native Lazy Loading in a web page, developers must specify the HTML-loading attribute on the appropriate elements. Then, JavaScript and CSS code must also be added to resolve the attribute and load the content when the content becomes visible.
Are there any disadvantages to using Native Lazy Loading? arrow icon in accordion
Yes, there are some disadvantages to using Native Lazy Loading. First of all, some browsers may not support Native Lazy Loading. In addition, you may also experience problems if the loading time is too long because the content does not load immediately. Finally, it can also be difficult to check compatibility, since the technology is still very new.

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