Below The Fold

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What is Below The Fold


Below The Fold is a term used in print and online journalism. It refers to the content that is below the first visible line on a website, blog, or newspaper print page. The term originates in the newspaper industry and is often used in the context of digital media design.


Below The Fold offers a number of advantages. It is a useful tool to draw the reader's attention to specific content. Another advantage is that it allows the reader to find important information faster without having to read the entire text.


A disadvantage of Below The Fold is that it can lead readers to read less content than intended. If readers only read the visible content, they may miss important information. In addition, it's difficult to get readers to scroll to the bottom of a page.

Use cases

Below The Fold can be useful in a variety of use cases. It can be used to highlight important information that a reader should not overlook. It can also be used to increase reader loyalty by encouraging them to read more content.


An example of the use of Below The Fold is the use of embedded videos. When a reader goes to a page, a video can be displayed at the bottom of the page, encouraging readers to learn more.

Another example is the use of links at the end of an article. These links can direct readers to additional resources that may interest them.

10 practical use cases for Below the Fold & Above The:

  1. You would like to use your Landing Page design so that the most important information is visible at first glance, without the user having to scroll.
  2. You want important call-to-action buttons (CTAs) to be visible above the fold to ensure users see and click on them.
  3. You want your header area to stay Above the Fold so it's always visible when the user scrolls.
  4. You want important product images to stay Above the Fold so they're always visible and users take notice.
  5. You want a video to stay Above the Fold so users can see it without scrolling.
  6. You want important customer reviews to be visible Above the Fold so users can see them without scrolling.
  7. You want important social media links to stay Above the Fold so users can easily reach them.
  8. You want your footer area to be Below the Fold remains so that he is not constantly in the way.
  9. You want your blog feed to be Below the Fold remains so that users have to scroll through the most important content before they get to less important content.
  10. You want ads Below the Fold be displayed so that they do not interfere with users browsing your website.


Below The Fold is a useful tool for browsing digital media. It allows the author to highlight certain content to increase reader loyalty. However, it can also cause important information to be overlooked. It is therefore important when using Below The Fold to be careful to ensure that all important information is visible.

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What is "Below the Fold"? arrow icon in accordion
Below the fold refers to the bottom area of a web page that is not normally visible on a user's screen unless they scroll down. It's often seen as a way to organize content and make it easier for users to access the most important information.
Why is it important to organize the contents under the fold? arrow icon in accordion
The content below the fold needs to be organized to improve usability and create a consistent design. It also helps users access the most important information and simplifies navigation.
What should be placed under the fold? arrow icon in accordion
Content should be placed below the fold that may not be visible at first glance, such as contact information, support links, frequently asked questions, etc.
How does placing content below the fold affect usability? arrow icon in accordion
When content is properly organized below the fold, it can greatly improve the user experience by allowing the user to access relevant information more quickly. It also helps with navigation, as the user no longer has to scroll up and down to find the information they need.
What is a contextual menu? arrow icon in accordion
A contextual menu is a menu that has a specific context based on the current page. This menu can be a drop-down menu, a pop-up menu, or a menu with action buttons. It helps the user quickly access relevant content.
What types of content are best suited for the space below the fold? arrow icon in accordion
Content that doesn't necessarily need to be visible at first glance is best, such as contact information, support links, frequently asked questions, etc.
What is Responsive Design? arrow icon in accordion
A Responsive Design is a design that adapts to the size of the screen and works on different devices. This allows the user to navigate on a consistent interface, which increases the user experience.
How can users be encouraged to explore more content below the fold? arrow icon in accordion
To encourage users to explore more content below the fold, call-to-action buttons can be used to draw their attention to more relevant content. It can also be helpful to enrich the content with visual elements to pique users' interest.
What are the advantages of a Responsive Design compared to a static design? arrow icon in accordion
A Responsive Design offers a number of advantages over a static design. For example, it can increase usability by simplifying navigation and making it easier for users to access relevant information. It can also help reduce development and maintenance costs by reducing the number of design variations for different devices.
What are the disadvantages of Responsive Design? arrow icon in accordion
Responsive design can have some drawbacks, including longer load times, increased development complexity, and reduced control over the design. It can also be difficult to maintain usability and functionality on smaller screens.

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