Why is "unique content" needed? (SEO Basics #9)

The Internet as a marketplace

The Internet is one of the most important sales channels, and has been for a long time not only in the Online Marketing. More and more businesses are venturing into online stores, no self-employed person can do without a meaningful Internet presence and some companies even generate their sales exclusively on the World Wide Web.

This results in the requirement to design your own website in such a way that it is easily visible in search engines such as Google or Yahoo despite the vast number of competing websites. Internet users usually reach their target pages via search engines rather than going directly to them. When a search query is submitted, users tend to click on one of the first relevant results.

A good position in the search results pages means more visitors, and more visitors ultimately increase the sales that are to be achieved with the website. Non-commercial websites must also strive for adequate search engine relevance, because even if nothing is to be sold, no website can survive if its content is not read.

Success through visibility

The magic word is Search engine optimizationSEO for short. Search Engine Optimization). Website content (especially text) is designed to match the current search algorithms of Google and other search engines as closely as possible. Even if the search algorithms are never known down to the last detail, there are recognizable prevailing trends, especially with regard to the formal aspects of a search engine relevant website text.

Google's much-discussed Panda update and several other smaller updates have made it clear that effective SEO texts above all, must also offer real added value. A string of search-relevant terms (keywords) is no longer enough: The texts on a website must be appealing and easy to read for human users in order to contribute to a good ranking on the search results pages.

Another important criterion for good SEO texts is their uniqueness. If texts are copied from other sources and published unchanged (or at least very similarly) on another page, search engines will recognize this as "Duplicate Content", i.e. duplicated content. Either the positioning in the search results pages is then significantly worsened, or the page in question is completely removed from the Index deleted. In this case, it can no longer be found via search engines. What is needed is "Unique Content", unique content.

How do you get high-quality unique content?

The main task of an SEO author is to write website content that is unique in its form and appeals to both readers and search engines. This is not just limited to the text on a page. Images and videos are also becoming increasingly important in SEO marketing.

Since not every website owner is destined to be a bestselling author or can spend the time to write the complete Content to create your own website independently, there are numerous websites Content-Agencyen. These fee-based service providers put website operators with text needs in touch with thousands of freelance writers who handle all text orders exactly according to the customer's wishes and thus provide the website operator with enormous support in providing high-quality content.


The increasing Relevance of search engine visibility has led to the development of an entire branch of business that deals with search engine optimization. Successful websites and online stores must regularly publish high-quality and unique content in order to secure effective advertising positions on Google and other search engines. The current requirements for effective SEO are constantly changing and will continue to present the SEO scene with new challenges in the future.

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Let Google work for you, because visitors become customers.

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