Valentine's Day search trends: men's gifts are booming - with DIY instead of chocolate 

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and the search for the perfect gift is in full swing. We took a closer look at which groups of people are more likely to be inspired and which are the most popular gift categories for Valentine's Day. Our study is based on the Google search volumes of almost 280 keywords from 15 categories over a period of four years.

Gifts for men dominate the search trends
Most Germans search generically for gift ideas without a specific search term - the "Generic" category is at the top with an average of 33,740 monthly searches. Gift ideas for men follow with 30,260 queries and are searched for almost four times more frequently than gift ideas for women, which receive 8,030 queries. Ideas for other family members such as parents or children are searched for an average of 730 times. DIY gifts are trending as an idea for Valentine's Day with 4,210 searches and are significantly more popular than more traditional options such as jewelry (300) or household items (440). Categories such as eroticism (60) and sweets (240) also recorded comparatively low interest.

Strong fluctuations within the calendar year
The data from the last four years shows a clear seasonal increase in search volumes shortly before Valentine's Day. Peaks were regularly recorded in January and February, with February standing out with up to 703,115 searches (2021) - an increase of up to 98,100 percent (2021) compared to the lows in the summer months. Here, search volumes remain constant in the low four-digit range before slowly rising again in the fall. Last year, the percentage increase in search volumes on Valentine's Day compared to the summer months of the previous year was around 10,844% (2024).

"Our analysis shows that Valentine's Day is far more than just a date in the calendar - it reflects the emotional and creative side of people. The difference between gifts for men and women is particularly exciting. The bigger Search volume The fact that men are looking for gifts may indicate different needs and expectations - men may be more difficult to give gifts to or women may think through potential gifts more intensively. It's also nice to see that DIY gifts are becoming increasingly important, which highlights the trend towards creative and personalized gift options." explains Niels Stuck, founder and managing director of WOLF OF SEO.

About the investigation
For the analysis, the 279 most searched keywords in 15 people and gift categories in the context of Valentine's Day were analyzed for their Google search volume.Search volume in Germany untersucht und ausgewertet. Der Untersuchungszeitraum umfasst Januar 2020 bis Januar 2025.

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