The web texts, the Content is the most important thing on a website. A website without text is virtually impossible to get into the top 10 of search engines. Without text and Content the user is usually completely lost. Ok, there are pages, e.g. from photographers, where there are lots of pictures and you can hardly write any text, but even here a really good text should be written so that the page gets any visitors at all, and then the lost point must be replaced by others. SEO measures be balanced.
SEO texts and SEO content writing
So, now back to the topic of text / Content. The text of a web page should contain at least 300 characters. Although that's already pretty low. I generally recommend 2,000 characters. Even then you can use the keywords sensibly and possibly also include a second keyword in the same text. A keyword should have a density of approximately 1-3%. You can easily calculate this density. Count the keywords in the text and multiply them by 100, then divide by the number of all words: number of keywords * 100 : number of all words = keyword density.
More than 3 percent should not be used, I have had bad experiences with higher values. If more keywords are required, these can be set in the "title" attribute of images and links. Which makes a lot of sense, this "title" attribute in principle.
Create internal links for search engines and users
Now your text should still have some Links are included. On the one hand, so that the visitor stays on the page and reads other texts, but also important for the Search Engine. The Search Engine links and weights, through these links, the content of the website with others. It is also important to include links that refer to external pages. This also evaluates the website. Of course, too many are not good. But 2 to 3 external links should be included. Internal links should not be more than 10. Links in the text are better than links that are displayed below or above the text.
Your SEO texts should remain "light fare"
But the most important thing at the end, please do not write the text in "doctor language", texts should be understood by everyone! Also, what is very important, remember with all the effort with the Search engine optimization, the text is read by people and should not be written so that still this or that Keyword is squeezed in somewhere. Google and co. are always better at recognizing whether a text is "readable" or not, not to mention that the reader notices it immediately and leaves the page.