The pre-Christmas season is in full swing and many people have already opened the first doors of their Advent calendars. We took a closer look at this year's interest in Advent calendars and investigated which calendars Germans are most frequently looking for.
The result:
The festive favorites: The top 10 search terms
The top 10 most searched Advent calendars include both brand-specific queries and generic terms such as "Advent calendar" (1st place with 255,000 searches). Other popular generic terms are "Advent calendar women" (4th place with 38,000 searches), "Advent calendar men" (5th place with 36,000 searches) and "Advent calendar children" (7th place with 30,000 searches).
However, Advent calendars with a direct brand reference are also extremely popular. The "Aldi Advent calendar" is in second place with over 116,200 searches in total and appears in different variants such as "Aldi Nord Advent calendar" and "Aldi Süd Advent calendar". Other popular brands such as "Rituals Adventskalender" (3rd place with 39,000 searches), "Kaufland Adventskalender" (6th place with 32,000 searches), "Playstation Adventskalender" (8th place with 28,000 searches), "Red Bull Adventskalender" (9th place with 23,000 searches) and "Edeka Adventskalender" (10th place with 19,000 searches) complete the picture and reflect the diverse preferences of consumers.
Cosmetics, toys and sweets: The most popular categories
Those looking for an Advent calendar that does not come from food retailers are particularly likely to choose calendars from the cosmetics, toys and sweets categories. Rituals is the clear leader in the cosmetics Advent calendar category. Playstation dominates the toy sector. Surprisingly, the "Sugargang Advent calendar" overtook the classic "Lindt Advent calendar" (11,000 searches) with 13,000 searches. Advent calendars for a good cause brought up the rear, coming in last place among the 500 keywords analyzed with just 200 search queries.
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"It's fascinating to see how strongly brands like Aldi and Rituals are in demand among Germans this festive season. Our analysis shows that consumers are increasingly looking for Advent calendars that match their personal preferences and brand loyalties", explains Niels Stuck, founder and managing director of WOLF OF SEO.
About the investigation
For this analysis, the 500 most searched Google search queries for the Keyword "Advent calendar" in order to create a ranking of the most popular products.