6 indicators to detect Google algorithm updates

Well, Google never stands still. Even if the Google Dances no longer exist, there is always movement in the SERP and in all applications related to search. Sometimes, however, there is a major update, such as in the last quarter of 2018.

6 indicators for an upcoming Google algorithm update

Unfortunately, no one knows exactly what will be updated, but if you look a little closer, you can narrow down the timing and say that something will happen. There are some indicators outside the SERPthat you can use.

1. google cache

The Google Cache shows other things than the snippet in the SERPs? Well, the cache does not always have to be updated so quickly, is partly also dependent on the strength of the page itself. However, you know your page best and can say whether normally after 5 days the cache is updated or not. Maybe you can even find an example, where the cache is more up to date than the SERP is?

2. data centers are very unsynchronized or even down

There is always a small flux in the synchronization of the data centers. However, it can currently be observed that some data centers are not accessible at all. A high level of asynchrony of the individual data centers suggests that computational power is subtracted in order to create something (a new Index?) to be recalculated. You can easily determine this by directly addressing data centers during site queries or by checking the data centers in general on a regular basis.

Updating the individual statistics in the Google Webmaster tools(e.g. the output of external links) usually follows a more or less periodic time interval. If you have not posted any updates in the Webmaster tools you can assume that computing capacity is needed for other things.

4. other Google services are down or poorly accessible

Google services such as Adsense or others are difficult to access? Another indication that Google needs computing power elsewhere. Adsense is usually the first to be affected, I don't use Adwords too often at the moment, but I could imagine that there is a certain stability here just for the sake of monetization.

5. indexing speed

Especially with blogs, pages are usually created quite quickly indexed. Depending on the strength and crawlability of a page, normal portals or pages can of course also be used. The example from point 1 can also be used here. You should leave the image search out of such considerations, as it does not follow a clear indexing rule anyway or has a longer update interval.

6. general inconsistencies in the SERP and high flux

You know the Everflux. Positions are never stable, otherwise our work would be for nothing. Nevertheless, there are some outbreaks that are strongly reminiscent of times when the SERP have been shaken hard every day. If Google flushes "crap" to the top, i.e. pushes irrelevant stuff to the first page in your eyes, then you can assume that massive tracking is done to see which results perform on which positions and how.

The following applies to each of these points: Effects as described above can always occur individually. And even if you recognize all of them at once, this does not mean that an update is imminent. You need to be familiar with your site and also know how Google usually treats your site. If you work on several pages, you can certainly draw conclusions.

My recommendation: If you notice that an update is imminent, don't freak out. There's nothing you can do anyway. I expect it to shake up a bit (or maybe more) around March or April, and we'll see one or two new Index(e) will see. What you can do: Set your measurement points, think about what you want to track and analyze later what happened to your rankings after the update. Then you will be well positioned for further measures.

You are welcome to comment on other clues, I'm sure I've forgotten one or two. And remember: not every update is a bad update.



What is a Google algorithm update? arrow icon in accordion
A Google algorithm update is a change in the logic Google uses to evaluate and rank web pages. Google regularly makes algorithm updates to improve and update the content that is displayed in search results.
How do I recognize a Google algorithm update? arrow icon in accordion
The best way to detect an algorithm update from Google is to monitor your rankings and visitor numbers. If you suddenly notice a significant drop in your rankings and visitor numbers, this is a sign that Google has made an update.
How long does it take to detect a Google algorithm update? arrow icon in accordion
The process of detecting an update from Google can vary in length. Usually, it can take a few days or even weeks before you detect an update. It is very important that you regularly check your website's rankings and traffic to detect possible updates from Google.
How does a Google algorithm update affect me? arrow icon in accordion
A Google algorithm update can have both positive and negative effects on your website. With an update, your website can rise or fall in rankings as well as in visitor numbers.
How often does Google make algorithm updates? arrow icon in accordion
Google makes regular updates. Although none of the updates are officially announced, many updates are made on a monthly basis.
Will all websites be affected by Google algorithm updates? arrow icon in accordion
No, not all websites are affected by Google algorithm updates. Google regularly releases algorithms that only affect certain types of websites. Therefore, it is important that you check the type of your website to see if you are affected by the particular update.
What does Google announce when an algorithm update takes place? arrow icon in accordion
Google does not make any statements about its algorithm updates. They only publish the changes they have made in the rankings, but not the logic behind the update.
How can I protect myself from Google algorithm updates? arrow icon in accordion
There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from Google algorithm updates. First of all, you should make sure that the content on your website is always up-to-date and of high quality. In addition, you should update your links and make sure that they point to websites with high authority.
Can I prevent Google algorithm updates? arrow icon in accordion
No, it is not possible to prevent Google algorithm updates. This is because Google is constantly trying to improve the quality of search results, and for that it needs constant updates.
What is the most important thing to know about Google algorithm updates? arrow icon in accordion
The most important thing to know about Google algorithm updates is that they cannot be avoided and instead you should make sure that your website is always up to date and of high quality to minimize the impact of the updates.

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