The concentration of keywords in an article or even Content- range reflects the frequency of one or more keywords that are optimized for.

Keyword density calculation

For the calculation of the relevant Keyword density, there are countless starting points for the calculation option. These range from the simple calculation of the keywords in the text to the consideration of the respective plural and/or singular case. Furthermore, there are also calculations in which the filler words in the text are also taken into account.

Example of a simple calculation of keyword density:

To give you an idea, text A has a total length of 300 words 7 times the Keyword X then the calculation would be as follows.

7/300*100 = 2.33% The keyword density for the Keyword X is then 2.33%

How high should the keyword density be in the text?

In my opinion, there are a few things to consider. First and foremost, of course, that no one definitely knows what keyword density is necessary to rank under a Keyword to rank in the TOP 10. In most cases, SEOs naturally keep their empirical values to themselves.

In terms of keyword concentration, I have found that if a website has a relatively high trust rank, then the keyword density of 1-2% should no longer be exceeded. For websites that are still relatively new and therefore do not yet have many subpages or backlinks, the keyword density should not exceed 2-3%%.

What dangers can arise if keyword density is too high?

In addition to a sophisticated search algorithm, search engines such as Google & Co also have various filters that can be applied when indexing a website if there is a suspicion of manipulation, spam or similar. These filters can, for example, bring sanctions such as the significant deterioration of the ranking. The penalties can even go so far that the affected website is temporarily or permanently removed from the search engine.Index of the respective Search Engine is excluded or banned.

So, be careful my friend.

Nothing will happen with isolated subpages with too high KWD, but do yourself a favor and don't overdo it, otherwise Google's penalty hammer will fly right in your face.


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