Development of a strong, organic sales channel for Momento Acoustics and their store through Google top rankings.
Development of an organic sales channel.
Top rankings for keywords of categories & products with 4-5 digit Search volume.
16 months +
August 2023
NNovember 2024
67,000 visitors / month
... of which 62,000 directly through transactional keywords on product pages & category pages.
Chris Rost
Full service
*(Costs if the Traffic through Google Ads would be purchased)
Momento AcousticsThe online store for designer acoustic panels approached us and wanted to create a sales channel through organic Google searches. Traffic Build up.
Main goals for us:
- The top rankings for products
- Top rankings for categories
- Building an organic sales channel
- Top ranking for blog posts
- Less dependence on performance marketing
- Reliable organic monthly sales
- Top rankings for keywords related to acoustic panels
The acoustics market is strong with considerable potential for growth.
Search volumes have risen to 5-6 digit heights for numerous product-related keywords in the last 3 years.
Competition in the acoustics market is high, with a score of 8/10. Momento Akustik's main competitors are direct competitors offering acoustic solutions, as well as large DIY stores such as Hornbach, Bauhaus and Obi.
acoustic panels wood
≈ 28.000
+99 places - in 1st place
acoustic panels
≈ 157.000
+98 places - in 2nd place
acoustic panels living room
≈ 4.400
+98 places - in 2nd place
Acoustic panel white
≈ 3.300
+97 places - in 3rd place