SEO Scaling Framework:

Die 5 konkreten Schritte zum
100.000€+ SEO revenue channel

…Und das bewährte System, mit dem wir eCommerce-Marken auf 1.000.000€+ Jahresumsatz durch organischen Traffic skaliert haben.

Erhalte endlich Klarheit, wie du:

Über 200+ Brands vertrauten uns –
von Startups bis 8-stellige Brands.

Known from:

Du bist nicht daran Schuld, dass du:

  • Täglich hunderte Neukunden verpasst, die genau nach deinem Produkt suchen – aber bei deinen Konkurrenten landen.
  • Jeden Monat tausende Euro für Ads verbrennst, während deine Konkurrenz die Top-Platzierungen bei Google dominiert.
  • Nie planbar skalieren kannst, weil Algorithmen-Änderungen oder steigende Klickkosten dich ausbremsen.


Woher sollst du es auch wissen?
Du bist Experte in deinem Bereich – nicht in SEO. Du hast deine Zeit und Energie darauf verwendet, das beste Produkt oder die beste Dienstleistung zu entwickeln. Aber jetzt stehst du da:

  • Die einsamen Nächte, in denen du dir Sorgen machst, wie du dein Wachstum finanzieren sollst.
  • Die enttäuschenden Worte von Menschen, die dir sagen, dass du „einfach mehr Werbung machen sollst“.
  • Der ständige Druck, jeden Monat genug Umsatz zu generieren, um dein Business am Laufen zu halten.
  • Die Ungeduld, endlich die Ziele zu erreichen, die du dir vorgenommen hast.


Über 200 eCommerce-Marken vor dir standen genau an diesem Punkt. Sie kämpften mit denselben Herausforderungen – bis sie unser System entdeckten.


Aber jetzt hast du die Wahl:
Weiterkämpfen – oder das System nutzen, das 1.516.000€ SEO-Umsatz pro Kunde liefert.

seo webinar by niels stuck

The brake on your growth

Scaling without SEO

Ads only reach 10% of your target group

How often do you click on Google Ads? 90% of searches skip the ads and click on top placements.

Adspend and competition increase the pressure

With Meta, Google and Co. the click costs increase but the bottom line is that you have less margin? SEO allows you to scale without an additional advertising budget.

Ad successes are entertaining and unpredictable

Does the constant battle for successful ads feel like it will never end? Top SEO rankings bring in revenue for years!

The framework in objectives

Systematized SEO scaling

The framework offers a clear objective, with proven and clearly defined implementation steps. This enables you to scale your organic funnel according to plan.

✅ 96 pages of SEO scaling knowledge

✅ 3 hours of detailed accompanying video

✅ The best tools and shortcuts

✅ 100% Sales-focused

Bottom Funnel & Longtail Keywords to become profitable asap

Targeted SEO analysis as a data basis for targeted measures

Strengthened by Goal 1 Reinvest profits to conquer the most competitive and profitable keywords one after the other


Turn up SEO sales and build dominance in the niche

Intercept brand-related keywords & push demand & do not let affiliate / voucher / test sites occupy them


Increase your SEO revenue and make your ad funnel more profitable at the same time

Convert users in the decision stage

Go the extra mile and convert additional Traffic

Create top funnel conversion assets


Understand SEO as the start of your customer journey

Tailored to eCommerce

Plannable profit for your store

Keep your margin

Secure all brand-relevant keywords and stop competitors, voucher sites and affiliate blogs that reduce your margin.

Pre-qualified customers

Place your brand precisely for the keywords that hundreds of ready-to-pay customers enter every day.

Strengthens your ad funnel

Don't spend any more money on traffic that you have already bought via social media ads or other marketing measures.

Our results

SEO Scaling Framework in use

Over 2,500

Top 1 placements

Over € 50 million

Saved ad spend

Over € 250 million

Generated SEO revenue

Annual traffic value

100+ top 3 rankings

"Bitter drops" 1st place

10x page views

Traffic development since the start of the project

2020: under 10,000 monthly visitors
2023: over 125,000 monthly visitors

New annual SEO turnover

130+ top 3 rankings

Efficient 3-phase implementation

Main keyword saved

Traffic development since the start of the project

2021: under 100 monthly visitors
2023: over 13,000 monthly visitors

SEO sales channel

100+ top 3 rankings

30,000 visitors per month

25x page views

Traffic development since the start of the project

2020: under 500 monthly visitors
2023: over 30,000 monthly visitors

New annual SEO turnover

220+ top 3 rankings

Focused implementation

Dominance of the niche

Traffic development since the start of the project

2020: under 1,000 monthly visitors
2023: over 40,000 monthly visitors

Our customers:

SEO Scaling Framework

The exact path to the €100,000+ sales channel with SEO scaling

The framework with precise implementation steps. From the first top positions to €100,000 monthly turnover.